The Positive Case and the Negative Case

(Image: Zen Buddha Silence, by Marilyn Barbone)

April 12, 2020

Given how much uncertainty there is about the future, both in terms of the coronavirus and in terms of the economy, it can be helpful to consider the positive case and the negative case. Howard Marks writes that whether you favor the positives or the negatives depends on your innate psychological biases. Some people tend to be optimistic, while others tend to be pessimistic. See:

Marks admits to being somewhat pessimistic. I admit that I tend to be optimistic. But regardless of whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist, an investor must consider both the positives and the negatives. Sometimes things work out better than expected, while other times things can get much worse than expected.



The countries where the coronovirus first appeared have made progress. China has ended the lockdown in Wuhan. The numbers continue to improve in places such as Italy, Germany, Austria, and Spain.

The United States appears to have just passed peak resource usage and peak daily deaths, while the total number of deaths forecast to occur by August 4, 2020, is 68,841, which is much less than originally forecast. Each death is a tragedy. But it’s important to see the overall deaths in context. In the 2017-2018 flu season, there were 61,000 deaths in the United States, and that’s something for which we DO have a vaccine.



It seems that the coronavirus can be nearly stamped out within three months or so, assuming widespread testing, contact tracing, and quarantining.

The R0, the rate of contagiousnesswhich measures the average number of people who will catch the disease from one contagious personappears to be far higher than previously thought. Early on, researchers believed the R0 of the coronavirus was 2.2 to 2.7. A more recent studywhich is probably more accurate, because it’s based on more and better dataestimates the R0 to be 5.7. This means there are many people who have the coronavirus, but are asymptomatic. This increases the probability of herd immunity and lowers the risk of reopening the global economy. See this Forbes article:

Never have there been more doctors and scientists focused on one problem: developing treatments that aid recovery from the coronavirus and developing a vaccine.

Howard Marks summarizes the positive case for the economy:

The negative impact of the disease on the economy will be sharp but brief. The term “V-shaped” dominates most forecasts, both between Q2 and H2 and between 2020 and 2021. Thus, for example, one forecaster who has the earnings of the S&P 500 companies down 120% in Q2 thinks they may rise roughly 80+% in Q3 on a quarter-over-quarter basis… and then rise by a further 50% in Q4. And after a decline of 33% in 2020, earnings will rise by 55% in 2021 and exceed what they were in 2019.


The Fed and the Treasury have both announced massive stimulus plans which should shore up the economy until the coronavirus has been brought under control.

The banks have only a third of the leverage they had during the Global Financial Crisis. The financial system is much stronger.

The U.S. private sector will produce huge amounts of supplies and equipment, and will develop testing, contact tracing methods, treatments, and vaccines.



Howard Marks does an excellent job highlighting the negative case here:

Since Marks wrote his memo on March 31, the United States appears to have passed its peak in terms of resource usage and daily deaths. So I will summarize the negative case as it seems today.

The United States lags behind many other countries in terms of widespread testing, contact tracing, and quarantining.

Without the government stimulus, the economy was set to decline at a record rate.

Even with near-record government stimulus, is a V-shaped recovery realistic?

There are companies with revenues down and there are other companies with revenues that are gone entirely. But some costs are fixed and thus cannot be eliminated.

Many companies were highly leveraged going into the pandemic. There will be rising defaults until the economy rebounds, which could take months or longer.

The collapse in oil prices, which reached a level almost as low as 1973, is a negative. There will be large losses for oil-producing companies and countries. There will be job losses, as more than 5% of American jobs are in oil and gas.



An equal weighted group of micro caps generally far outperforms an equal weighted (or cap-weighted) group of larger stocks over time. See the historical chart here:

This outperformance increases significantly by focusing on cheap micro caps. Performance can be further boosted by isolating cheap microcap companies that show improving fundamentals. We rank microcap stocks based on these and similar criteria.

There are roughly 10-20 positions in the portfolio. The size of each position is determined by its rank. Typically the largest position is 15-20% (at cost), while the average position is 8-10% (at cost). Positions are held for 3 to 5 years unless a stock approachesintrinsic value sooner or an error has been discovered.

The mission of the Boole Fund is to outperform the S&P 500 Index by at least 5% per year (net of fees) over 5-year periods. We also aim to outpace the Russell Microcap Index by at least 2% per year (net). The Boole Fund has low fees.


If you are interested in finding out more, please e-mail me or leave a comment.

My e-mail:




Disclosures: Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. All investments contain risk and may lose value. This material is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.No part of this article may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Boole Capital, LLC.

Stock Market Recovery: Sooner Than Expected

(Image: Zen Buddha Silence, by Marilyn Barbone)

April 5, 2020

Here’s an excellent article by Rida Morwa on Seeking Alpha entitled, “Market Recovery: Sooner Than Most Expect”:

Some points from Morwa’s article are worth highlighting:

The IHME (Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation) currently predicts the peak number of daily deaths in the United States as occurring on April 12, 2020. The IHME also predicts peak resource usage by hospitals as happening on April 11, 2020. You can find the charts for both predictions here:

The next question is: When can people start returning to work? If a treatment is developed that prevents moderate symptoms from becoming worse, or if there is much more widespread testing, then people may be able to start returning to work sooner than expected. There are many promising tests being developed, such as one by BD Integrated Diagnostic Solutions:

Morwa notes:

These tests could identify who possibly has had a sub-clinical infection and developed immunity to the virus.

It’s likely that some people have already developed immunity. If this could be shown through much more widespread testing, some people could begin returning to a more normal life, including work.

Here’s a question and answer on the IHME website:

Will we need social distancing until there is a vaccine?

Our model suggests that, with social distancing, the end of the first wave of the epidemic could occur by early June. The question of whether there will be a second wave of the epidemic will depend on what we do to avoid reintroducing COVID-19 into the population. By the end of the first wave of the epidemic, an estimated 97% of the population of the United States will still be susceptible to the disease and thus measures to avoid a second wave of the pandemic prior to vaccine availability will be necessary. Maintaining some of the social distancing measures could be supplemented or replaced by nation-wide efforts such as mass screening, contact tracing, and selective quarantine.

Widespread testing, contact tracing, and selective quarantine could replace social distancing.



Morwa quotes Bob Farrell:

When all the experts and forecasts agree–something else is going to happen.

Value investor Howard Marks has made a similar point:

The thing I find most interesting about investing is how paradoxical it is: how often the things that seem most obvious–on which everyone agrees–turn out not to be true.

The vast majority of investors are bearish right now, and expect things to get worse. But if IHME is correct that the peak number of daily deaths in the U.S. will approximately be on April 12, 2020, and if much more widespread testing allows many people to begin returning to work, then the stock market recovery could indeed occur sooner than most investors currently expect. (Another catalyst for people resuming a more normal life would be the development of a treatment that keeps moderate symptoms from becoming worse.)

Stock market declines during the first quarter are rare because money is usually being invested during that time. However, when the stock market has declined during the first quarter, it has almost always recovered during the rest of the year. Morwa includes the following chart:

Source:Ryan Dettrick

Furthermore, insiders have been buying heavily. Morwa shows the following graph:

CH 20200326_companies_bought_sold.png

The last time insider buying outpaced selling by as large a ratio was 2009, which turned out to be a major stock market bottom. Morwa comments:

Insiders can be early, and if we examine the spikes in buying activity, they have often coincided with the initial bottom and not the retest. But they know the impact on their company’s activity and clearly they are not seeing cause for alarm that everyone else is. They also have a better gauge on the pulse of the economy and possible changes to lockdown scenarios by the administration. Their unbridled bullishness is possibly one indicator that suggests the bottom might be in or we won’t go much lower than the March lows.

Morwa points out that a spike in insider buying is usually quite close to the stock market bottom in terms of price, but is usually 3-4 months early in terms of timing. If that pattern holds, then now is an excellent time to buy, but it’s possible that there will be new lows by June or July.



An equal weighted group of micro caps generally far outperforms an equal weighted (or cap-weighted) group of larger stocks over time. See the historical chart here:

This outperformance increases significantly by focusing on cheap micro caps. Performance can be further boosted by isolating cheap microcap companies that show improving fundamentals. We rank microcap stocks based on these and similar criteria.

There are roughly 10-20 positions in the portfolio. The size of each position is determined by its rank. Typically the largest position is 15-20% (at cost), while the average position is 8-10% (at cost). Positions are held for 3 to 5 years unless a stock approachesintrinsic value sooner or an error has been discovered.

The mission of the Boole Fund is to outperform the S&P 500 Index by at least 5% per year (net of fees) over 5-year periods. We also aim to outpace the Russell Microcap Index by at least 2% per year (net). The Boole Fund has low fees.


If you are interested in finding out more, please e-mail me or leave a comment.

My e-mail:




Disclosures: Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. All investments contain risk and may lose value. This material is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.No part of this article may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Boole Capital, LLC.

Diamond Offshore (DO)

(Image: Zen Buddha Silence, by Marilyn Barbone)

March 29, 2020

We continue with examples of Boole’s quantitative investment process in action.

A few weeks ago, we looked at Valaris (VAL), the cheapest stock I’ve ever seen:

Previously, we looked at Ranger Energy Services (RNGR):

Before that, we looked at Macro Enterprises (Canada: MCR.V):

This week, we are going to look at Diamond Offshore (DO)–which has very low debt compared to the other offshore oil drillers. The company has $250 million in debt due in November 2023, $500 million due in August 2025, $500 million due in 2039, and $750 million due in 2043. Diamond Offshore has $156 million in cash, plus a $950 million undrawn credit facility. (Also, DO has no secured or guaranteed debt.) If there is a global recession, or if the oil war launched by Saudi Arabia lasts for at least a few years, then Diamond Offshore will still be a survivor, whereas many other offshore oil drillers may not be.

Step One

First we screen for cheapness based on five metrics. Here are the numbers for Diamond Offshore:

    • EV/EBITDA = 2.77
    • P/E = 0.45
    • P/B = 0.08
    • P/CF = 0.50
    • P/S = 0.09

These figures–especially EV/EBITDA, P/E, and P/B–make Diamond Offshore one of the top ten cheapest companies out of over two thousand that we ranked. (Note: This assumes a medium-case recovery with EBITDA at $801 million and net income at $549 million. The current market capitalization is $247 million.)

Step Two

Next we calculate the Piotroski F-Score, which is a measure of the fundamental strength of the company. For more on the Piostroski F-Score, see my blog post here:

Diamond Offshore has a Piotroski F-Score of 7. (The best score possible is 9, while the worst score is 0.) This is a very good score.

Step Three

Then we rank the company based on low debt, high insider ownership, and shareholder yield.

We measure debt levels by looking at total liabilities (TL) to total assets (TA). Diamond has TL/TA of 44.6%, which is decent. It’s important to note that most of the company’s debt is due in 2039 or later.

Insider ownership is important because that means that the people running the company have interests that are aligned with the interests of other shareholders. At Diamond, insider ownership is approximately 53%.

Shareholder yield is the dividend yield plus the buyback yield. The company has no dividend and is not buying back shares. Thus, shareholder yield is practically zero.

Each component of the ranking has a different weight. The overall combined ranking of Diamond Offshore places it in the top 10 stocks on our screen, or the top 0.4% of the more than two thousand companies we ranked.

Step Four

The final step is to study the company’s financial statements, presentations, and quarterly conference calls to (i) check for non-recurring items, hidden liabilities, and bad accounting; (ii) estimate intrinsic value–how much the business is worth–using scenarios for low, mid, and high cases.

See the company presentation:

Diamond Offshore has 4 drillships and 11 semisubmersibles. All the drillships are contracted at above market rates through 2022. Diamond uses unique, innovative technologies that deliver superior performance and improved economics to the company and its customers.

The moored market is underserved. The highest expected growth is in moored semisubmersibles. Also, from 2013 to 2019, the overall number of moored semis declined from 83 to 42. Moreover, Diamond Offshore has the largest backlog in moored semis, 2x larger than the next competitor.

Intrinsic value scenarios:

    • Low case: If oil prices languish below $55 (WTI) for the next 3 to 5 years, Diamond Offshore will be a survivor because it has significantly lower debt than most of its competitors. ($250 million in debt is due in November 2023, $500 million is due in August 2025, $500 million is due in 2039, and $750 million is due in 2043.) In this scenario, Diamond is likely worth at least half of current book value (which is depressed) of $23.47. That’s $11.74, over 550% higher than today’s $1.79.
    • Mid case: If oil prices are in a range of $55 to $75 over the next 3 to 5 years–which is likely based on long-term supply and demand–then Diamond Offshore is probably worth at least current book value (which is depressed) of $23.47 a share, roughly 1,210% higher than today’s $1.79.
    • High case: Under a full market recovery, Diamond Offshore is probably worth 2x current book value (which is depressed) of $23.47 a share. That works out to $46.94 a share, over 2,500% higher than today’s $1.79.

Bottom Line

Diamond Offshore (DO) is a very cheap stock. Assuming the return of normal circumstances within the next 3 to 5 years, the potential upside is between 1,200% and 2,500%. Even in the worst case scenario, DO will survive (unlike many other offshore drillers) and likely have over 550% upside.



An equal weighted group of micro caps generally far outperforms an equal weighted (or cap-weighted) group of larger stocks over time. See the historical chart here:

This outperformance increases significantly by focusing on cheap micro caps. Performance can be further boosted by isolating cheap microcap companies that show improving fundamentals. We rank microcap stocks based on these and similar criteria.

There are roughly 10-20 positions in the portfolio. The size of each position is determined by its rank. Typically the largest position is 15-20% (at cost), while the average position is 8-10% (at cost). Positions are held for 3 to 5 years unless a stock approachesintrinsic value sooner or an error has been discovered.

The mission of the Boole Fund is to outperform the S&P 500 Index by at least 5% per year (net of fees) over 5-year periods. We also aim to outpace the Russell Microcap Index by at least 2% per year (net). The Boole Fund has low fees.


If you are interested in finding out more, please e-mail me or leave a comment.

My e-mail:




Disclosures: Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. All investments contain risk and may lose value. This material is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.No part of this article may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Boole Capital, LLC.

Valaris (VAL)—The Cheapest Stock I’ve Ever Seen

(Image: Zen Buddha Silence, by Marilyn Barbone)

March 8, 2020

We continue with examples of Boole’s quantitative investment process in action.

A few weeks ago, we looked at Ranger Energy Services (RNGR):

Before that, we looked at Macro Enterprises (Canada: MCR.V):

This week, we are going to look at Valaris (VAL)–the largest offshore oil driller in the world and the cheapest stock I’ve ever seen–which comes out near the top of the quantitative screen employed by the Boole Microcap Fund. This results from four steps.

Step One

First we screen for cheapness based on five metrics. Here are the numbers for Valaris:

    • EV/EBITDA = 4.01
    • P/E = 0.14
    • P/B = 0.01
    • P/CF = 0.07
    • P/S = 0.03

These figures–especially P/E and P/B–make Valaris one of the top ten cheapest companies out of over two thousand that we ranked. (Note: This assumes a medium-case recovery with EBITDA at $1,510 million and net income at $700 million. The current market capitalization is $99 million.)

Step Two

Next we calculate the Piotroski F-Score, which is a measure of the fundamental strength of the company. For more on the Piostroski F-Score, see my blog post here:

Valaris has a Piotroski F-Score of 7. (The best score possible is 9, while the worst score is 0.) This is a very good score.

Step Three

Then we rank the company based on low debt, high insider ownership, and shareholder yield.

We measure debt levels by looking at total liabilities (TL) to total assets (TA). Valaris has TL/TA of 45.0%, which is reasonable.

Insider ownership is important because that means that the people running the company have interests that are aligned with the interests of other shareholders. At Valaris, insider ownership is approximately 5%. This isn’t a high percentage, but it does represent a total insider ownership of $5 million.

Shareholder yield is the dividend yield plus the buyback yield. The company has no dividend and is not buying back shares. Thus, shareholder yield is practically zero.

Each component of the ranking has a different weight. The overall combined ranking of Valaris places it in the top 5 stocks on our screen, or the top 0.2% of the more than two thousand companies we ranked.

Step Four

The final step is to study the company’s financial statements, presentations, and quarterly conference calls to (i) check for non-recurring items, hidden liabilities, and bad accounting; (ii) estimate intrinsic value–how much the business is worth–using scenarios for low, mid, and high cases.

See the company presentation (dated February, 2020):

Valaris is the largest offshore oil driller in the world, with presence in six continents and nearly all major offshore markets. The company has a large and diverse customer base including major, national, and independent E&P companies.

Valaris has 16 drillships, 10 semisubmersibles, and 50 jackups. Valaris has one of the highest-quality fleets: 11 of its 16 drillships are the highest-specification. 13 of its 50 jackups are heavy duty ultra harsh and harsh environment jackups. High-spec assets are preferred by customers.

Valaris is also one of the best capitalized drillers. Valaris has a market capitalization of $99 million. The company has $2.5 billion in contracted revenue backlog (excluding bonus opportunities). It has $1.7 billion in liquidity, including $100 million in cash and $1.6 billion in credit available. And it has only $858 million in debt maturities to 2024. Valaris is one of two public offshore drillers with no guaranteed or secured debt in the capital structure. With the asset value of its fleet at $9.1 billion (according to third party estimates), Valaris has ample flexibility to raise additional capital if needed.

In April 2019, Ensco plc (ESV) and Rowan Companies plc (RDC) merged in an all-stock transaction. The combination (renamed Valaris) has brought together two world-class operators with common cultures. Both companies have strong track records of safety and operational excellence. And both companies have a strategic focus on innovative technologies that increase efficiencies and lower costs. Ensco was rated #1 in customer satisfaction for nine straight years according to a leading independent survey.

As a result of the merger, Valaris has already achieved cost savings of $135 million pre-tax per year. The company expects to achieve additional savings of $130 million a year. The full savings will be $265 million a year, which is $100 million more a year than the company initially projected.

Intrinsic value scenarios:

    • Low case: If oil prices languish below $55 (WTI) for the next 3 to 5 years, Valaris will be a survivor, due to its large fleet, globally diverse customer base, industry leading performance, low cost structure, and well-capitalized position. In this scenario, Valaris is likely worth at least 10 percent of current book value (which is depressed) of $48.15. That’s $4.82, about 860% higher than today’s $0.50.
    • Mid case: If oil prices are in a range of $55 to $75 over the next 3 to 5 years–which is likely based on long-term supply and demand–then Valaris is probably worth at least current book value (which is depressed) of $48.15 a share, roughly 9,530% higher than today’s $0.50.
    • High case: EBITDA under a full recovery is approximately $4 billion. Fair value can be conservatively estimated at 6x EV/EBITDA. That would be EV (enterprise value) of $24 billion, which implies a market cap of $17.6 billion. That works out to $88.94 a share, over 17,685% higher than today’s $0.50.

Bottom Line

Valaris (VAL) is the cheapest stock I’ve ever encountered. Assuming the return of normal circumstances within the next 3 to 5 years, the potential upside is roughly 9,530%. We are “trembling with greed” to buy VAL for the Boole Microcap Fund.



An equal weighted group of micro caps generally far outperforms an equal weighted (or cap-weighted) group of larger stocks over time. See the historical chart here:

This outperformance increases significantly by focusing on cheap micro caps. Performance can be further boosted by isolating cheap microcap companies that show improving fundamentals. We rank microcap stocks based on these and similar criteria.

There are roughly 10-20 positions in the portfolio. The size of each position is determined by its rank. Typically the largest position is 15-20% (at cost), while the average position is 8-10% (at cost). Positions are held for 3 to 5 years unless a stock approachesintrinsic value sooner or an error has been discovered.

The mission of the Boole Fund is to outperform the S&P 500 Index by at least 5% per year (net of fees) over 5-year periods. We also aim to outpace the Russell Microcap Index by at least 2% per year (net). The Boole Fund has low fees.


If you are interested in finding out more, please e-mail me or leave a comment.

My e-mail:




Disclosures: Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. All investments contain risk and may lose value. This material is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.No part of this article may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Boole Capital, LLC.

Preparing to Buy Beaten-Down Stocks: Covid-19 Is Going Global

(Image: Zen Buddha Silence, by Marilyn Barbone)

March 1, 2020

No one can predict what the stock market will do, even if a recession appears to be unfolding. That said, 2009 to 2019 was a bull market for U.S. stocks. It wouldn’t be surprising if the S&P 500 Index experienced a bear market. Covid-19, the disease associated with the novel virus SARS-COV-2, may cause a U.S. recession–even if mild–which could in turn cause a bear market for U.S. stocks. In fact, a bear market for stocks may already have begun.

Periodically there are bear markets. The important thing for a long-term value investor is to be prepared to buy the most undervalued stocks in the event of a bear market. It’s important to be able to buy when everybody else is selling.

Let’s now look at an article by The Economist, “Covid-19 is now in 50 countries, and things will get worse.” Link:

The article states:

Studies suggest that the number of people who have left China carrying the disease is significantly higher than would be inferred from the cases so far reported to have cropped up elsewhere, strongly suggesting that the virus’s spread has been underestimated. Some public-health officials still talk in terms of the window for containment coming closer and closer to closing. In reality, it seems to have slammed shut.

The article continues:

As of the morning of February 27th, stock markets had fallen by 8% in America, 7.4% in Europe and 6.2% in Asia over the past seven days. The industries, commodities and securities that are most sensitive to global growth, cross-border commerce and densely packed public spaces got whacked particularly hard, with the prices of oil and shares in airlines, cruise-ship owners, casinos and hotel companies all tumbling. Investors have taken refuge in assets that are perceived to be safe: yields on ten-year Treasury bonds reached an all-time low of 1.3%. The place least hit was China, where a huge sell-off took place some time ago. Investors, like some public-health officials, are starting to think that the epidemic there is, for now, under control… But if economic models developed for other diseases hold good, the rich world stands a distinct chance of slipping into recession as the epidemic continues. That will bring China, and everyone else, a fresh set of problems.

The article adds:

How the virus will spread in the weeks and months to come is impossible to tell. Diseases can take peculiar routes, and dally in unlikely reservoirs, as they hitchhike around the world. Two cases in Lebanon lead to worries about the camps in which millions of people displaced from Syria are now crowded together and exposed to the winter weather. But regardless of exactly how the virus spreads, spread it will. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has not yet pronounced covid-19 a pandemic–which is to say, a large outbreak of disease affecting the whole world. But that is what it now is.

Part of the WHO’s reticence is that the P-word frightens people, paralyses decision making and suggests that there is no further possibility of containment. It is indeed scary–not least because, ever since news of the disease first emerged from Wuhan, the overwhelming focus of attention outside China has been the need for a pandemic to be avoided. That many thousands of deaths now seem likely, and millions possible, is a terrible thing. But covid-19 is the kind of disease with which, in principle, the world knows how to deal.

The course of an epidemic is shaped by a variable called the reproductive rate, orR. It represents, in effect, the number of further cases each new case will give rise to. If R is high, the number of newly infected people climbs quickly to a peak before, for want of new people to infect, starting to fall back again… If R is low the curve rises and falls more slowly, never reaching the same heights. With SARS-COV-2 now spread around the world, the aim of public-health policy, whether at the city, national or global scale, is to flatten the curve, spreading the infections out over time.

If R is low and fewer people are infected, that gives health-care systems more time to develop better treatments, which would mean a lower death rate.

The virus seems to be transmitted mainly through droplets that infected people cough or sneeze into the air. So transmission can be reduced through good hygiene, physical barriers, and reducing the various ways that people mingle. These measures are routinely used to lessen the spread of the influenza virus, which kills hundreds of thousands of people a year. The article continues:

Influenza, like many other respiratory diseases, thrives in cold and humid air. If covid-19 behaves the same way, spreading less as the weather gets warmer and drier, flattening the curve will bring an extra benefit. As winter turns to spring then summer, the reproductive rate will drop of its own accord. Dragging out the early stage of the pandemic means fewer deaths before the summer hiatus and provides time to stockpile treatments and develop new drugs and vaccines–efforts towards both of which are already under way.

Ben Cowling, an epidemiologist at the University of Hong Kong, says that the intensity of the measures countries employ to flatten the curve will depend on how deadly SARS-COV-2 turns out to be. It is already clear that, for the majority of people who get sick, covid-19 is not too bad, especially among the young: a cough and a fever. In older people and those with chronic health problems such as heart disease or diabetes, the infection risks becoming severe and sometimes fatal. How often it will do so, though, is not known.

Epidemiologists estimate the fatality rate of covid-19 in the range of 0.5-1%. This is higher than the fatality rate of 0.1% of the seasonal flu in America. But it’s lower than the 10% fatality rate for SARS, a disease caused by another coronavirus that broke out in 2003.

However, the fatality rate depends not only on the disease itself, but also on the quality of care received. This means that poorer countries are at more risk than richer countries. Moroever, the economic effects of covid-19 will be worse in poorer countries. The article says:

As the pandemic unfolds, the reproductive rate in different parts of the world will differ according both to the policies put in place and the public’s willingness to follow them. Few countries will be able to impose controls as strict as China’s. In South Korea the government has invoked the power to forcibly stop any public activities, such as mass protests; schools, airports and military bases are closed. Japan is urging companies to introduce staggered working hours and virtual meetings, limiting both crowding on public transport and mingling at work. Other developed countries are mostly not going that far, as yet. Something that is acceptable in one country might result in barely any compliance, or even mass protests in another.

The article again:

Some hints of what may be to come can be gleaned from an economic model of an influenza pandemic created by Warwick McKibbin and Alexandra Sidorenko, both then at Australian National University, in 2006. Covid-19 is not flu: it seems to hit people in the prime of their working life less often, which is good, but to take longer to recover from, which isn’t. But the calculations in their model–which were being updated for covid-19 as The Economist went to press–give some sense of what may be to come…

Mr McKibbin says the moderate scenario in that paper looks closest to covid-19, which suggests a 2% hit to global growth. That corresponds to calculations by Oxford Economics, a consultancy, which put the possible costs of covid-19 at 1.3% of GDP. Such a burden would not be evenly spread. Oxford Economics sees America and Europe both being tipped into recession–particularly worrying for Europe, which has little room to cut interest rates in response, and where the country currently most exposed, Italy, is already a cause for economic concern. But poor countries would bear the biggest losses from a pandemic, relative to their economies’ size.

The article concludes:

As the world climbs the epidemic curve, biomedical researchers and public-health experts will rush to understand covid-19 better. Their achievements are already impressive; there is realistic talk of evidence on new drugs within months and some sort of vaccine within a year. Techniques of social distancing are already being applied. But they will need help from populations that neither dismiss the risks nor panic.



An equal weighted group of micro caps generally far outperforms an equal weighted (or cap-weighted) group of larger stocks over time. See the historical chart here:

This outperformance increases significantly by focusing on cheap micro caps. Performance can be further boosted by isolating cheap microcap companies that show improving fundamentals. We rank microcap stocks based on these and similar criteria.

There are roughly 10-20 positions in the portfolio. The size of each position is determined by its rank. Typically the largest position is 15-20% (at cost), while the average position is 8-10% (at cost). Positions are held for 3 to 5 years unless a stock approachesintrinsic value sooner or an error has been discovered.

The mission of the Boole Fund is to outperform the S&P 500 Index by at least 5% per year (net of fees) over 5-year periods. We also aim to outpace the Russell Microcap Index by at least 2% per year (net). The Boole Fund has low fees.


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Saudi America

(Image: Zen Buddha Silence, by Marilyn Barbone)

February 16, 2020

Journalist Bethany McLean has written an excellent book,Saudi America: The Truth About Fracking and How It’s Changing the World. (McLean is the co-author ofThe Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron.)

Just recently, in January 2020, U.S. crude oil production has approached 13 million barrels a day, outproducing both Saudi Arabia and Russia. The EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration) predicts that U.S. crude oil production will average 13.2 million barrels a day in 2020 and 13.6 million barrels a day in 2021. McLean writes:

Few saw this coming. This remarkable transformation in the U.S. was brought about by American entrepreneurs who figured out how to literally force open rocks often more than a mile below the surface of the earth, to produce gas, and then oil. Those rocks–called shale, or source rock, or tight rock, and once thought to be impermeable–were opened by combining two technologies: horizontal drilling, in which the drill bit can travel well over two miles horizontally, and hydraulic fracturing, in which fluid is pumped into the earth at a high enough pressure to crack open hydrocarbon bearing rocks, while a so-called proppant, usually sand, holds the rock open a sliver of an inch so the hydrocarbons can flow.

McLean later adds:

The country’s newest hot spot, Texas’s Permian Basin, now ranks second only to Saudi Arabia’s legendary Ghawar oilfield in production per day, according to oil company ConocoPhillips. Stretching through northern Appalachia, the Marcellus shale could be the second largest natural gas field in the world, according to geologists at Penn State. Shale gas now accounts for over half of total U.S. production, according to the EIA, up from almost nothing a decade ago.

McLean again:

“It [shale] is monstrous,” says Will Fleckenstein, who drilled his first horizontal well in 1990 and is now a professor of petroleum engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. In part due to ongoing improvements in technology, he says, “It is impossible to overstate the hydrocarbons that it is technically and economically feasible to produce.”

McLean continues:

CME Group executive director and senior economist Erik Norland calls fracking “one of the top five things reshaping geopolitics.” Ever since President Franklin D. Roosevelt met the first Saudi king, Abdul-Aziz al Saud, aboard theUSS Quincyin the Suez Canal in 1945, we’ve had a devil’s bargain: our protection in exchange for their oil. The superficial analysis boils down to a simple question: If America doesn’t need Saudi oil, does America need Saudi Arabia?

Still, there are reasons to doubt the sustainability of U.S. fracking, as McLean explains:

The fracking of oil, in particular, rests on a financial foundation that is far less secure than most people realize.

The most vital ingredient in fracking isn’t chemicals, but capital, with companies relying on Wall Street’s willingness to fund them. If it weren’t for historically low interest rates, it’s not clear there would even have been a fracking boom.

“You can make an argument that the Federal Reserve is entirely responsible for the fracking boom,” one private equity titan told me. That view is echoed by Amir Azar, a fellow at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “The real catalyst of the shale revolution was… the 2008 financial crisis and the era of unprecedentedly low interest rates it ushered in,” he wrote in a recent report. Another investor puts it this way: “If companies were forced to live within the cash flow they produce, U.S. oil would not be a factor in the rest of the world, and would have grown at a quarter to half the rate that it has.”

Here’s the outline:


    • America’s Most Reckless Billionaire
    • The Brain Trust
    • Debt
    • Skeptics
    • Bust
    • It Changes the World, But It Ends in Tears


    • America First
    • Permania
    • Game of Thrones
    • A New Era?
    • Make America Great Again
    • Losing the Race
    • Epilogue


Part One: Shale Revolution


McLean writes about Aubrey McClendon, co-founder of Chesapeake Energy Corporation and worth over $2 billion in early 2008:

If McClendon did die broke, it wouldn’t have been out of character. During his years as an oil and gas tycoon, he fed on risk, and was as fearless as he was reckless. He built an empire that at one point produced more gas than any American company except ExxonMobil. Once, when an investor asked on a conference call, “When is enough?”, McClendon answered bluntly: “I can’t get enough.”

Many think that without McClendon’s salesmanship and his astonishing ability to woo investors, the world would be a far different place today. Stories abound about how at industry conferences, executives from oil majors like Exxon would find themselves speaking to mostly empty seats, while people literally fought for space in the room where McClendon was holding forth.

“In retrospect, it was kind of like Camelot,” says Henry Hood, Chesapeake’s former general counsel, who worked at Chesapeake initially as a consultant from 1993 until the spring of 2013. “There was a period of time that will never be duplicated with a company that will never be duplicated.”

Forbes once called McClendon “America’s Most Reckless Billionaire,” which for many in the industry defined the man, notes McLean. McLean adds:

You might think of McClendon as a bit of J.R. Ewing, the fictional character in the television seriesDallas, mixed with Michael Milken, the junk bond king who pioneered an industry and arguably changed the world, but spent several years in prison after pleading guilty to securities fraud.

McLean continues:

McClendon, who was always immensely popular, was the president and co-valedictorian of his senior class. He headed to Duke, where he was the rush chairman of his fraternity… “He was super competitive and aggressive,” recalls someone who knew him at Duke. “If he had a few drinks, he’d want to wrestle. He was big and strong and a little bit out of control.”


In college, he also met Hood, who recalls a driven if rambunctious young man. “Aubrey was thoughtful, tall, and handsome, but incredibly clumsy,” Hood recalls. “He always had an ink stain on his shirt from the pen in his front pocket. We called him ‘Aubspill,’ because he was always spilling. In basketball, he was always throwing elbows like a bull in a China shop.” Another variation of the nickname, Hood recalls, was “‘Aubkill,’ because McClendon’s outsized competitive instinct made him dangerous in physical activities.”

Initially, McClendon was going to be an accountant. But then he read an article in theWall Street Journal.

“It was about two guys who had drilled a big well in the Anadarko Basin that had blown out, and it was alleged to be the biggest blowout in the history of the country,” McClendon toldRolling Stone. “They sold their stake to Washington Gas and Light and got a $100 million check. I thought, ‘These are two dudes who just drilled a well and it happened to hit.’ So that really piqued my interest.”

McLean observes that the geologist M. King Hubbert predicted that U.S. oil production would peak in some time between 1965 and 1970. American oil production did peak at 9.6 million barrels a day in 1970. Interestingly, before then, the Texas Railroad Commission controlled the international price of oil by setting production at a certain level and maintaining spare capacity. But after U.S. production peaked, OPEC–created in 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela–started gaining the power to control the price of oil.

When McClendon graduated Duke in 1981, energy prices began declining. McLean writes:

But McClendon was never one to be deterred. He thought there was opportunity in assembling packages of drilling rights–for gas, not oil–either to be sold to bigger companies or to be drilled… In order to drill, you just have to persuade someone to give you a lease. McClendon became what’s known in the oil and gas business as a land man, the person who negotiates the leases that allow for drilling.

That, it turned out, would make him the perfect person for the new world of fracking, which is not so much about finding the single gusher as it is about assembling the rights to drill multiple wells. “Landmen were always the stepchild of the industry,” he later toldRolling Stone. “Geologists and engineers were the important guys–but it dawned on me pretty early that all their fancy ideas aren’t worth very much if we don’t have a lease. If you’ve got the lease and I don’t, you win.”

In 1983, McClendon partnered with another Oklahoman: Tom Ward. Six years later, they formed Chesapeake Energy with a $50,000 investment. McLean:

In some ways, they were an odd couple. Bespectacled and balding, Ward came across as more of a typical businessman, whereas McClendon, with his flowing hair and Hollywood good looks, was the dynamo of the duo. They divided the responsibilities, with McClendon happily playing the front man, raising money, and talking to the markets, while Ward stayed in the background running the business. They operated out of separate buildings, with separate staffs…

Neither Ward nor McClendon were technological pioneers. That distinction, most people agree, goes to a man named George Mitchell, who drew on research done by the government to experiment on the Barnett Shale, an area of tight rock in the Fort Worth basin of North Texas. Using a combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, Mitchell’s team cracked the code for getting gas out of rock that was thought to be impermeable.

At the time, however, most companies–including ExxonMobil–and most observers ignored what Mitchell was doing, believing that it would be too expensive. McLean continues:

McClendon, however, was the pioneer in the other essential part of the business: raising money. “As oxygen is to life, capital is to the oil and gas business,” says Andrew Wilmot, a Dallas-based mergers and acquisitions advisor to the oil and gas industry at Purposed Ventures. “This industry needs capital to fire on all cylinders, and the founder and father of raising capital for shale in the U.S. is Aubrey McClendon.”… “I never let Aubrey McClendon in the door for a meeting,” says an analyst who works for a big investment firm. “Because we would have bought a ton of stock and it would not have ended well. He was that good.”

In the early 1990s, Bear Stearns helped Chesapeake sell high-yield debt in a first-of-its-kind sort of deal. This was no small achievement. After all, Chesapeake didn’t have much of a track record, and there was less than zero interest in the oil and gas business from the investment community. “I watched him convince people in these meetings,” says a banker who was there. “He was so good, so sharp, with such an ability to draw people in.”

On February 12, 1993–a day McClendon would later describe as the best one of his career–he and Ward took Chesapeake public. They did so despite the fact that their accounting firm, Arthur Andersen, had issued a “going concern” warning, meaning its bean-counters worried that Chesapeake might go out of business. So McClendon and Ward simply switched accounting firms. “Tom and I were thirty-three-year-old land men at the time, and most people didn’t think we had a clue of what we were doing, and probably in hindsight they were at least partially right,” McClendon told one interviewer in 2006. Their IPO reduced their ownership stake to 60 percent, but both men kept for themselves as important perk, one that would play a key role in the Chesapeake story: They got the right to take a personal 2.5 percent stake in every well Chesapeake drilled.

McLean adds:

In the years following its IPO, Chesapeake was one of the best-performing stocks on Wall Street, climbing from $1.33 per share (split adjusted) to almost $27 per share.

There was an area called Austin Chalk where some highly successful wells had been drilled. McClendon “went all in”: Chesapeake leased more than a million acres. Unfortunately, much of this land turned out not to be productive. Chesapeake took a $200 million charge against earnings, wiping out the previous three years of profits. By 1998, Chesapeake stock was selling for $0.75. McLean:

As he would do again and again, McClendon survived by borrowing yet more money to acquire more properties. “Simply put, low prices cure low prices as consumers are motivated to consume more and producers are compelled to produce less,” he wrote in Chesapeake’s 1998 annual report. McClendon essentially made a giant bet that gas prices would rise on their own, and he billed the properties he acquired “low risk.” Luckily, he was right. Within a few years, prices were soaring again, and McClendon had gotten out of a jam, for now.

Wall Street loved Chesapeake because of the fees it paid.

From 2001 to 2012, Chesapeake sold $16.4 billion in stock and $15.5 billion of debt, and paid Wall Street more than $1.1 billion in fees, according to Thomson Reuters Deals Intelligence. McClendon was like no other client.

McClendon developed a reputation of overpaying. There were stories of him offering ten times the amount of other offers. But he was extremely hard-working, and would frequently send an email at 4:00 a.m.

McLean writes:

But with the sort of price increase that the market was experiencing at the time, it didn’t seem to matter what McClendon had paid. Gas prices steadily marched upward, and by their peak in June 2008, they had more than doubled in just a few years. Chesapeake’s stock moved in lockstep, recovering its losses from the 1990s, and more. It hit over $65 a share in the summer of 2008, giving the company a market value of more than $35 billion. That made McClendon’s shares worth some $2 billion.

McLean again:

To Wall Street investors, McClendon was delivering on what they wanted most: consistency and growth. His pitch was that fracking had transformed the production of gas from a hit or miss proposition to one that operated with an on and off switch. It was manufacturing, not wildcatting. He became a flag waver for natural gas…

For a man steeped in the industry’s history of booms and busts, McClendon had by now convinced himself that gas prices would never fall. In August 2008, he predicted that gas would stay in the $8 to $9 range for the foreseeable future.

In the spring and summer of 2008, Chesapeake raised $2.5 billion by selling stock, and $2 billion selling debt. Moreover, with Chesapeake stock near an all-time high, McClendon continued to buy shares on margin. Someone who knew him said McClendon always had to be “all in” because it was “so important to him to win.”

McLean notes that McClendon forgot that just as low prices cure low prices, so high prices cure high prices.



McLean writes about EOG Resources, which others called “the Brain Trust.” EOG was a natural gas company. But the CEO Mark Papa realized that natural gas prices would be low for decades. Papa had EOG change its focus to oil production.

First, EOG began drilling for oil in the Bakken, a formation of about 200,000 square miles below parts of Montana, North Dakota, and Saskatchewan. Then EOG began drilling for oil in the Eagle Ford shale under Texas. McLean:

In the spring of 2010, EOG announced to a crowd of Wall Street investors at the Houston Four Seasons that the Eagle Ford contained over nine hundred million barrels of oil, enough to rival the Bakken.

McLean reports that money was pouring into the American energy business, which was a rare area of growth after the Great Recession. Oil prices kept increasing, and no one thought they would fall again. Soon the boom changed the U.S. economy.



McLean writes:

As gas prices began to fall in 2008, so did Chesapeake’s stock, from its peak of $70 in the summer of 2008 to $16 by October. With that steep slide, the value of the shares he’d pledged to banks in exchange for loans also fell–and the banks called his margin loans. Rowland, whose office was about fifty feet away from McClendon’s, recalls him walking in and saying, “Marc, they’re selling me out.” “It was a one minute conversation,” says Rowland. “He went from a $2 billion net worth to a negative $500 million. There wasn’t any sweat in his eye or anything like that. It was just the way he was.”

Indeed, from October 8 to October 10, McClendon had to sell 94 percent of his Chesapeake stock. “I would not have wished the past month on my worst enemy,” he said in a meeting.

The Chesapeake board of directors, which was one of the highest paid in the industry, gave McClendon a $75 million bonus. This brought McClendon’s total pay for the year to $112 million, which made him the highest paid CEO in corporate America that year. McLean:

Underlying all of McClendon’s enterprises was a vast and tangled web of debt. That 2.5 percent stake in the profits from Chesapeake’s wells that McClendon and Ward had kept for themselves at the IPO had come with a hitch: McClendon had to pay his share of the costs to drill the wells. Over time, according to a series of investigative pieces done by Reuters, he quietly borrowed over $1.5 billion from various banks and private equity firms, using the well interests as collateral. Reuters, which entitled one piece “The Lavish and Leveraged Life of Aubrey McClendon,” also reported that much of what McClendon owned, from his stake in the Oklahoma City Thunder to his wine collection to his venture capital and hedge fund investments, was also mortgaged.

As for Chesapeake, the company continued to bleed cash. McLean:

From 2002 to the end of 2012, there was never a year in which Chesapeake reported positive free cash flow (meaning the cash it generated from operations less its capital expenditures). Over the decade ending in 2012, Chesapeake burned through almost $30 billion.

McLean says that Chesapeake loaded up on debt and sold stock to investors in order to cover its costs. The company also sold some of its land. Chesapeake was going to need higher natural gas prices in order to survive.

In January 2013, Chesapeake announced that McClendon would retire. Right after leaving, McClendon started American Energy Partners, an umbrella company for a smorgasbord of new companies. Within only a few years, McClendon had raised $15 billion in capital and his companies employed eight hundred people. Meanwhile, the price of gas rose, hitting $6.



Short-sellers weren’t just skeptical of McClendon. They were skeptical of the entire industry, which seemed to consume more capital than it produced. The famous short-seller David Einhorn made a detailed case for shorting the shale industry at the 2015 Ira W. Sohn Investment Research Conference. McLean:

Einhorn found that from 2006 to 2014, the fracking firms had spent $80 billion more than they had received from selling oil and gas. Even when oil was at $100 a barrel, none of them generated excess cash flow–in fact, in 2014, when oil was at $100 for part of the year, the group burned through $20 billion.

McLean continues:

A key reason for the terrible financial results is that fracked oil wells in particular show an incredibly steep decline rate. According to an analysis by the Kansas City Federal Reserve, the average well in the Bakken declines 69 percent in its first year and more than 85 percent in its first three years, while a conventional well might decline by 10 percent a year. One energy analyst calculated that to maintain production of 1 million barrels per day, shale requires up to 2,500 wells, while production in Iraq can do it with fewer than 100. For a fracking operation to show growth requires huge investment each year to offset the decline from the previous years’ wells. To Einhorn, this was clearly a vicious circle.

Furthermore, the shale revolution wouldn’t have been possible were it not for the ultra-low interest rate policy by the Federal Reserve. McLean:

Amir Azar, a fellow at Columbia’s Center on Global Energy Policy, wrote than by 2014, the industry’s net debt exceeded $175 billion, a 250 percent increase from its 2005 level. But interest expense increased at less than half the rate debt did, because interest rates kept falling.



In late November, 2014, at a meeting in Vienna, Saudi Arabia–led by its oil minister Ali Al-Naimi–and OPEC decided to leave production where it was rather than cut it. The marginal cost to produce a barrel of oil in Saudi Arabia is “at most” $10, according to Al-Naimi, whereas it was as much as five times that figure for U.S. frackers to produce a barrel of oil. Many people interpreted OPEC’s decision not to cut as an attempt to drive U.S. frackers out of business by causing the oil price to collapse.

By February 2016, a barrel of oil sold for just $26. Soon came the reckoning:

One after another, debt-laden companies began to declare bankruptcy, with some two hundred of them eventually going bust.

Acquisitions had not worked out well:

As one investor put it: “All of the acquisitions of shale assets done by the majors and by international companies have been disasters. The wildcatters made a lot of money, but the companies haven’t.”




Even in those dark days, McClendon remained a true believer. Rather than back down he doubled down. He announced deal after deal… Even those who were skeptical of him were amazed. “Look at this guy who mortgaged it all to start a new company in the teeth of a terrible decline,” says one financier. “If he went out, he was going to go out in a blaze of glory.”

McLean continues:

Those who know McClendon and who backed him believe he might have survived the financial hell, maybe even raised the capital for a third go round. But he could not escape the legal hell he also found himself in.

…In the spring of 2014, a year after McClendon had left Chesapeake, the state of Michigan brought criminal charges against the firm for conspiring with other companies to rig the bids in a 2010 state auction for oil and gas rights… McClendon and the CEO of a Canadian company named Encana had divvied up the state, agreeing not to bid on leases in each other’s allocated counties, according to the charges. “Should we throw in 50/50 together here rather than trying to bash each other’s brains out on lease buying?” McClendon once asked an Encana executive, according to evidence filed in the case.

A raft of civil lawsuits were filed alleging that Chesapeake had used a similar strategy in other hot plays.


Part Two: Saudi America


McLean writes:

Citigroup chief economist Ed Morse said that the U.S. had the potential to become the “new Middle East,” and Leonardo Maugeri, a former director at Italian energy firm Eni who became a fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, coined the phrase “Saudi America” when his 2012 report predicted that the U.S. could one day rival Saudi Arabia’s fabled oil production.

McLean adds:

During the Obama Administration, U.S. and European politicians began pushing for America to accelerate the granting of permits for new LNG facilities so that the U.S. could export natural gas to Europe, weakening Russia’s ability to use its energy supplies as a political weapon… Ambassadors from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic sent a letter asking Congress to allow the faster sale of more natural gas to Europe.

McLean describes how the U.S. ban on oil exports was eventually repealed.

Studies came out from various industry-friendly organizations arguing that free trade in oil would create nearly a million jobs, add billions to the economy, and would lower the trade deficit.


…Repeal of the export ban was ultimately tucked into the sprawling $1.1 trillion year-end 2015 spending bill.




While on the campaign trail, then-candidate Donald Trump began to talk about energy independence. Upon election, he installed one of the most energy heavy cabinets in modern history, from ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State; to former Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, which he had sued more than a dozen times to protect the interests of energy companies; to former oil and gas consultant Ryan Zinke as Secretary of the Interior.

Einhorn and other skeptics of fracking ended up being wrong. McLean writes:

As it turns out, the demise of fracking that seemed so inevitable wasn’t inevitable after all. There are a few reasons why that was the case, but it all begins with the Permian–Permania, some are now calling it.

Fly into Midland, and all you see across the flat dry land are windmills and drilling rigs. “Outside of Saudi Arabia, the whole oil story today is West Texas,” one investor tells me.

McLean explains:

What set the Permian apart from other plays is geological luck. Its oil- and gas-bearing rocks are laid down in horizontal bands… That means that one lease can give you multiple layers of hydrocarbons, and also that you can drill more efficiently, because you only have to use one expensive rig to access multiple layers.

Furthermore, unlike the Bakken and the Marcellus, the Permian already had infrastructure in place including pipelines.

In 2010, the Permian was producing nearly a million barrels a day. In 2017, it was producing 2.5 million barrels a day. Today (February 2020), the Permian is producing over 4.8 million barrels a day, making it the largest oil field in the world. See:

As for overall oil production, the EIA predicts that the U.S. will produce 13.2 million barrels a day in 2020 and 13.6 million barrels a day in 2021. See:

This makes the U.S. the world’s biggest energy power, since Saudi Arabia produces a maximum of 11 million barrels a day and is currently producing just under 10 million barrels a day in order to move oil prices higher. Russia produces just under 11 million barrels a day.

McLean writes:

Until recently, the history of shale drilling was that operators would watch what others did, and if someone’s new technique got more oil and gas out of the ground, then everyone else would start doing that.

But now drillers are more data-driven, looking for repeatable ways to get oil out of the ground at the lowest cost. Horizontal wells used to be about a mile long, but now one company’s well extended almost four miles. Moreover, while the average fracked well used 4 million pounds of sand in 2011, now the average fracked well uses 12 million pounds of sand.

McLean adds:

At the same time, other things are getting more minute and efficient. Drillers are also executing smaller, more complex, and more frequent fractures. These more precise fracks reduce the risk that the wells “communicate”–that one leaks into another, rendering them inoperable–so the wells can be drilled more closely together…

According to a 2016 paper by researchers at the Federal Reserve, not only are rigs drilling more wells, but each well is producing far more. The extraction from the new wells in their first month of production has roughly tripled since 2008. Break-even cost–the estimate of what it costs to get a barrel of oil out of the ground–has plunged. Before the bust, it was supposedly around $70; analysts say it’s less than $50 now…


The dramatic rebound make skeptics look spectacularly wrong–no one more so than David Einhorn.

Then McLean makes an important point:

And yet, even today, it is unclear if we will look back and see fracking as the beginning of a huge and lasting shift–or if we will look back wistfully, realizing that what we thought was transformative was merely a moment in time. Because in its current financial form, the industry is still unsustainable, still haunted by McClendon’s twin ghosts of heavy debt and lack of cash flow. “The industry has burned up cash whether the oil price was at $100, as in 2014, or at about $50, as it was during the past three months,” one analyst calculated in mid-2017. According to his analysis, the biggest sixty firms in aggregate had used up an average of $9 billion per quarter from mid-2012 to mid-2017.

The availability of capital, made possible by low interest rates, has been central to the success of the shale industry, notes McLean:

Wall Street’s willingness to fund money-losing shale operators is, in turn, a reflection of ultra-low interest rates. That poses a twofold risk to shale companies. In his paper for Columbia’s Center on Global Energy Policy, Amir Azar noted that if interest rates rose, it would wipe out a significant portion of the improvement in break-even costs.

But low interest rates haven’t just meant lower borrowing costs for debt-laden companies. The lack of return elsewhere also led pension funds, which need to be able to pay retirees, to invest massive amounts of money with hedge funds that invest in high yield debt, like that of energy firms, and with private equity firms–which, in turn, shoveled money into shale companies, because in a world devoid of growth, shale at least was growing. Which explains why Lambert, the portfolio manager of Nassau Re, says “Pension funds were the enablers of the U.S. energy revolution.”

McLean points out that private equity firms raised over $100 billion–almost five times the usual amount–in 2016 to invest in natural resources. Many private equity investors have done well because other investors have been willing to invest in energy companies based upon acreage owned rather than based upon a multiple of profits. McLean:

“I view it as a greater fool business model,” one private equity executive tells me. “But it’s one that has worked for a long time.”

Some believe that the U.S. is squandering its shale reserves by focusing on growth-at-all-costs. McLean:

“Our view is that there’s only five years of drilling inventory left in the core,” one prominent investor tells me. “If I’m OPEC, I would be laughing at shale. In five years, who cares? It’s a crazy system, where we’re taking what is a huge gift and what should be real for many years, not five years, and wasting it…”

That said, McLean notes that some longtime skeptics believe the industry is moving in the right direction by focusing on generating positive free cash flow.



McLean writes:

OPEC wasn’t as impervious to lower prices as Ali Al-Naimi, the Bedouin shepherd-turned-oil-minister, seemed to have suggested in the fall of 2014. True, Saudi Arabia and other OPEC members spend a lot less money to get a barrel of oil out of the ground than do U.S. frackers. But it turns out that Al-Naimi’s measurement was flawed. That’s because the wealthy (and not-so-wealthy) oil-rich states have long relied on their countries’ natural resources to support patronage systems, in which revenue from selling natural resources underwrites generous social programs, subsidies, and infrastructure spending. That, in turn, has helped subdue potential political upheavals…

This is an expensive way to run a country, and so the patronage system gave rise to the notion of the fiscal break-even price, which essentially is the average oil price that an oil state needs to balance its budget each year. And it really does all come down to oil: McKinsey noted in a December 2015 analysis that Saudi Arabia gets about 90 percent of its government revenue from oil.

McLean adds:

At the same time, a Game of Thrones was starting in Saudi Arabia. In late 2014, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who had led Saudia Arabia for a decade, passed away, leading to the elevation of his brother, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, to the throne. With that came the accession of the new king’s son, Mohammed bin Salman. The new deputy crown prince, who has been nicknamed MBS, was then just thirty years old. His father gave him unprecedented control over a huge portion of the economy, including oil.

McLean continues:

Transforming the system is exactly what Saudi Arabia is trying to do. MBS is viewed as the architect of a breathtakingly audacious plan called Saudi Vision 2030.

Part of the plan is to increase the number of Saudis in private employment. The funding for the plan is going to come from the recent IPO of Saudi Aramco. The IPO valued the company at about $1.7 trillion, making Saudi Aramco the largest public company in the world. However, the IPO only raised about $25.6 billion, roughly a third of what MBS hoped for. That’s because the company is only listed on the Tadawul, Saudi’s stock exchange, instead of being listed in New York or London, as originally planned. Due in part to weak oil prices, there wasn’t sufficient interest in Saudi Aramco’s IPO from global investors. See:



McLean writes about the U.S. lowering oil imports significantly:

Limiting America’s dependence on unstable regions of the world may seem like an unalloyed positive, but the larger effects are quite murky. “It’s a very, very difficult question as to whether it makes for a safer world or a less safe world,” says Norland… He worries that economic hardship can lead to increased terrorism and even civil war–a horror anywhere, but one that is especially horrible in countries like Angola, where a civil war than began in 1975 just ended.

McLean continues:

The shale revolution also figures into America’s often vexing relationship with China, the world’s second-largest economy. China has overtaken the U.S. as the world’s biggest oil importer, but what’s even more astounding is that shipments of U.S. crude oil to China, which were nothing before the lifting of the export ban, hit almost $10 billion in 2017. China is also on track to become the biggest importer of U.S. LNG… This could help reduce our trade deficit, and could be a healthy change from a world where the U.S. and China compete for scarce energy supplies.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is worried that the oil for security bargain between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. is breaking down, as U.S. oil imports from Saudi Arabia continue to decline. However, notes McLean:

There are a lot of reasons it’s in America’s interest to have a stable Middle East, whether it’s fighting terrorism, resisting the spread of nuclear weapons, protecting Israel–or keeping the global economy functioning. Even if America doesn’t need Middle Eastern oil, its allies in Europe do, and China certainly does. This isn’t just altruism. In a world where over 40 percent of the S&P 500’s revenues come from outside the U.S., the American economy is dependent on the global economy.



McLean says:

What is obvious, even today, is the enormous impact of shale gas on the domestic economy. “The U.S. has the lowest cost energy prices of any OECD nation,” noted the Energy Center’s Stephen Arbogast. Prices are hovering at less than half of prices in much of the rest of the world. That means the energy intensive manufacturing in the U.S. “enjoys a significant advantage versus Europe, Japan, or China, all of whom depend upon imported oil and LNG for marginal supplies.”

McLean adds:

Since 2010, over three hundred chemical industry projects worth $181 billion have been announced in the U.S., according to the American Chemistry Council, a trade group representing chemical companies.

Furthermore, cheap natural gas is gradually replacing coal:

Cheap natural gas is what’s destroying coal, not tree-hugging liberals. It’s now cheaper to build a power plant that uses natural gas than to build one fueled by coal. As a result, the market share for coal in power generation has fallen from 50 percent in 2005 to around 30 percent today.

McLean points out that the replacement of coal by natural gas is probably positive for the environment. In 2017, U.S. carbon dioxide emissions hit a twenty-five years low. However, there has been a huge rise in emissions of methane due to the natural gas supply chain. Some scientists believe that methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

Meanwhile, instead of trying to improve the natural gas supply chain, the Trump Administration has been busy trying to bail out the coal industry. McLean:

In the fall of 2017, the Department of Energy, under Rick Perry, announced a plan that would in effect force regional electricity grids to purchase large amounts of coal. The ostensible reason is to ensure a supply of fuel that can be stored and called upon in the event of a disruption–but in addition to distorting markets and likely causing an increase in energy prices, the plan ran counter to the Department’s own study, which reported that increased reliance on natural gas and renewables was not reducing the reliability of the grid.

That said, the Trump Administration is taking other actions that would increase the supply of natural gas:

Trump’s initial proposal was to unlock our “$50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves,” and to further that goal, he signed an executive order to ease regulations on offshore drilling and eventually allow more to occur, particularly in the Arctic Ocean. His administration has also proposed allowing drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for the first time in forty years. The effect of all this would be to make it harder to control methane leaks, and it would also likely crater prices, thereby making the economics of drilling even less attractive than they already are. If this comes about at a time of rising interest rates and the end of the era of cheap capital, we may soon begin talking about how the Trump Administration killed the shale revolution.



No one can predict how long it will take for the world to transition to a place where we no longer use oil and gas. McLean writes:

Most scholars think the transition will take decades. But there are those who say it might come much more quickly. Most prominently, in a 2015 study, Stanford University engineering professor Mark Jacobson and colleagues have argued that it was technically feasible for all fifty states to run on clean renewable energy by 2050, with an 80 percent conversion possible by 2030. Of course, there’s also the opposite argument. Fatih Birol, the executive director of the International Energy Agency, a Paris-based nongovernmental organization, doesn’t think we’ll see peak demand for oil any time soon, mainly because very few countries have any sort of fuel economy standards for trucks, and the use of renewables in freight transportation lags passenger vehicles enormously. And while passenger cars make up about 25 percent of oil demand, other modes of transportation, like shipping, aviation, and freight account for almost 30 percent… OPEC, too, projects that demand will keep increasing through 2040.

McLean says that not knowing the precise timing doesn’t mean the U.S. government, led by Trump, should pretend that the transition isn’t coming.

President Trump has proposed slashing the budget for a division of the Department of Energy called the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy… The proposed spending cuts caused the last seven heads of the office, including three who served under Republican presidents, to write a letter to Congress. “We are unified that cuts of this magnitude… will do serious harm to this office’s critical work and America’s energy future,” they wrote. Trump has also imposed tariffs on foreign-made solar panels, which could decrease installation volumes in coming years; Bloomberg called the tariffs “the biggest blow to renewables yet.”

Meanwhile, China and other countries, even including Saudi Arabia, are far ahead of the U.S. when it comes to the transition to clean energy.



McLean writes:

I found that it’s a fool’s errand to make bold predictions about what’s to come, but the most honest answer I found about the future came from research firm IHS Markit.

The firm has three scenarios. The first, called Rivalry, is the base case. Rivalry, IHS says, means “intense competition among energy sources plus evolutionary social and technology change. Gas loosens oil’s grip on transport demand. Renewables become increasingly competitive with gas, coal, and nuclear in power generation.”

The second scenario, called Autonomy, is a much faster-than-expected transition away from fossil fuels. “Revolutionary changes in market, technology, and social forces decentralize the global energy supply and demand system.”

The last scenario is called Vertigo. Vertigo means “economic and geopolitical uncertainty drive volatility and boom-bust cycles with economic concerns slowing the transition to a less carbon-intensive economy.”

McLean adds:

The potential for vertigo helps explain why Charlie Munger, the famous investor and thinker and longtime Warren Buffett sidekick, believes that we should conserve what we have, instead of drilling frenetically. Munger argues that for all the eventual certainty of renewables, there is still no substitute for hydrocarbons in several essential aspects of modern life, namely transportation and agriculture.

Part of why the U.S. can feed its population is because yield per acre has increased dramatically in the modern era–but that’s in large part due to pesticides, nitrogenous fertilizers and other agricultural products that are made through use of hydrocarbons.

McLean continues:

As history shows, even oil and gas executives don’t have a clue what’s going to happen next. Charlie Munger might be right. Or shale oil and gas might do what shale oil and gas have done since the revolution began, and surprise to the upside. EOG might discover ways to get oil economically out of other places we never thought we could get oil economically. Or there could be a battery breakthrough tomorrow that renders oil obsolete more quickly than anyone ever dreamed.

McLean observes that we should recognize that America’s oil and gas resources are very different. America’s natural gas is ultra-low cost and will last at least a century. As for oil, it’s not clear what the ultimate supply is, nor is it clear at what price oil is recoverable.

Furthermore, notes McLean, we should keep in mind the extent to which both oil and (to a lesser extent) gas drillers have been dependent upon low-cost capital, which may be less available when interest rates eventually rise. McLean:

For the first time in perhaps forever, at least some long-term investors are aligned with conservationists, and they are trying to send a message that isn’t drill, baby, drill–but rather drill thoughtfully and profitably, so that more people benefit from America’s resources for longer, and it isn’t only executives getting a payday.

McLean adds:

In a recent letter to the firm’s clients, JP Morgan chief strategist Michael Cembalest wrote that one thing he considered critical for our future was “the ability to develop natural gas-powered vehicles and trains with lower fuel costs than gasoline- or diesel-powered counterparts, and with greater geopolitical fuel security.”

…The energy grid of the future will likely consist of mostly renewables but with the ability to rapidly add backup power from natural gas when wind, solar, and hydropower generation is low.



An equal weighted group of micro caps generally far outperforms an equal weighted (or cap-weighted) group of larger stocks over time. See the historical chart here:

This outperformance increases significantly by focusing on cheap micro caps. Performance can be further boosted by isolating cheap microcap companies that show improving fundamentals. We rank microcap stocks based on these and similar criteria.

There are roughly 10-20 positions in the portfolio. The size of each position is determined by its rank. Typically the largest position is 15-20% (at cost), while the average position is 8-10% (at cost). Positions are held for 3 to 5 years unless a stock approachesintrinsic value sooner or an error has been discovered.

The mission of the Boole Fund is to outperform the S&P 500 Index by at least 5% per year (net of fees) over 5-year periods. We also aim to outpace the Russell Microcap Index by at least 2% per year (net). The Boole Fund has low fees.


If you are interested in finding out more, please e-mail me or leave a comment.

My e-mail:




Disclosures: Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. All investments contain risk and may lose value. This material is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.No part of this article may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Boole Capital, LLC.

Ranger Energy Services (RNGR)

(Image: Zen Buddha Silence by Marilyn Barbone.)

January 26, 2020

We continue with examples of Boole’s quantitative investment process in action.

Last week, we looked at Macro Enterprises (Canada: MCR.V):

This week, we are going to look at Ranger Energy Services (RNGR), which may be an even better opportunity.

Ranger Energy Services comes out near the top of the quantitative screen employed by the Boole Microcap Fund. This results from four steps.

Step One

First we screen for cheapness based on five metrics. Here are the numbers for Ranger:

    • EV/EBITDA = 2.96
    • P/E = 17.51
    • P/B = 0.53
    • P/CF = 2.20
    • P/S = 0.31

These figures–especially EV/EBITDA, P/B, and P/CF–make Ranger Energy Services one of the top ten cheapest companies out of over two thousand that we ranked.

Step Two

Next we calculate the Piotroski F-Score, which is a measure of the fundamental strength of the company. For more on the Piostroski F-Score, see my blog post here:

Ranger has a Piotroski F-Score of 8. (The best score possible is 9, while the worst score is 0.) This is an excellent score.

Step Three

Then we rank the company based on low debt, high insider ownership, and shareholder yield.

We measure debt levels by looking at total liabilities (TL) to total assets (TA). Ranger has TL/TA of 34.3%, which is fairly low.

Insider ownership is important because that means that the people running the company have interests that are aligned with the interests of other shareholders. At Ranger, insiders own 60% of the shares. This puts Ranger Energy Services in the top 2.2% of the more than two thousand companies we ranked according to insider ownership.

Shareholder yield is the dividend yield plus the buyback yield. The company has no dividend. Also, while it has bought back some shares–which is good because the shares appear quite undervalued (see Step Four)–this has been offset by the issuance and exercise of stock options. Thus overall, the shareholder yield is zero.

Each component of the ranking has a different weight. The overall combined ranking of Ranger Energy Services places it in the top 5 stocks on our screen, or the top 0.2% of the more than two thousand companies we ranked.

Step Four

The final step is to study the company’s financial statements, presentations, and quarterly conference calls to (i) check for non-recurring items, hidden liabilities, and bad accounting; (ii) estimate intrinsic value–how much the business is worth–using scenarios for low, mid, and high cases.

See the company presentation:

Ranger operations are reported in three segments:

Completion & Other Services

    • Primary operations include wireline (plug & perf and pump down)
    • Well Testing, Snubbing, Fluid Hauling and Tank Rental
    • Locations in Permian and DJ Basins

Well Service Rigs & Related Services

    • Primary operations include well completion support, workovers, well maintenance and P&A
    • Related equipment rentals include power swivels, well control packages, hydraulic catwalks, pipe racks and pipe handling tools
    • Locations in the Permian, DJ, Bakken, Eagle Ford, Haynesville, Gulf Coast, SCOOP/STACK

Processing Solutions

    • Primary operations include the rental of Modular Mechanical Refrigeration Units (“MRUs”) and other natural gas processing equipment
    • Locations in the Permian, Bakken, Utica, San Joaquin and Piceance

Ranger Energy Services has a market cap of $107 million and an enterprise value of $148 million. The company recently signed new multi-year contracts with oil majors including Chevron and Conoco. Ranger continues to gain market share due to its high spec rigs and relatively low debt levels. Moreover, the company continues to pay down its debt–its target debt level is $0.

Intrinsic value scenarios:

    • Low case: Ranger is probably not worth less than book value, which is $12.98 per share. That’s about 90% higher than today’s share price of $6.83.
    • Mid case: The company can achieve EBITDA of $75 million, and is likely worth at least EV/EBITDA of 5.0. That translates into a share price of $21.41, which is 214% higher than today’s $6.83.
    • High case: Ranger has said that in a recovery, it could do EBITDA of $100 million. The company may easily be worth at least EV/EBITDA of 6.0. That translates into a share price of $35.83, which is about 425% higher than today’s $6.83.

Bottom Line

Ranger Energy Services is one of the top 5 most attractive stocks out of more than two thousand microcap stocks that we ranked using our quantitative screen. Moreover, all the intrinsic value estimates–including the low case–are far above the current stock price. As a result, we are “trembling with greed” to accumulate this stock for the Boole Microcap Fund.


In addition to company financial statements and presentations, I used information from the following two analyses of Ranger Energy Services:

(Note: If you have trouble accessing the analysis, you can create a guest account, which is free.)



An equal weighted group of micro caps generally far outperforms an equal weighted (or cap-weighted) group of larger stocks over time. See the historical chart here:

This outperformance increases significantly by focusing on cheap micro caps. Performance can be further boosted by isolating cheap microcap companies that show improving fundamentals. We rank microcap stocks based on these and similar criteria.

There are roughly 10-20 positions in the portfolio. The size of each position is determined by its rank. Typically the largest position is 15-20% (at cost), while the average position is 8-10% (at cost). Positions are held for 3 to 5 years unless a stock approachesintrinsic value sooner or an error has been discovered.

The mission of the Boole Fund is to outperform the S&P 500 Index by at least 5% per year (net of fees) over 5-year periods. We also aim to outpace the Russell Microcap Index by at least 2% per year (net). The Boole Fund has low fees.


If you are interested in finding out more, please e-mail me or leave a comment.

My e-mail:




Disclosures: Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. All investments contain risk and may lose value. This material is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Boole Capital, LLC.

Macro Enterprises (MCR.V)

(Image: Zen Buddha Silence by Marilyn Barbone.)

January 19, 2020

The Boole Microcap Fund follows a quantitative investment process. This year (2020), I am going to give examples of Boole’s investment process in action.

The first example is Macro Enterprises Inc. (Canada: MCR.V). Macro Enterprises builds oil and natural gas pipelines, constructs energy-related infrastructure facilities, and performs maintenance and integrity work on existing pipelines. The company operates primarily in western Canada and is headquartered in Fort St. John, British Columbia.

Macro Enterprises comes out near the top of the quantitative screen employed by the Boole Microcap Fund. This results from four steps.

Note: All values in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.

Step One

First we screen for cheapness based on five metrics. Here are the numbers for Macro Enterprises:

    • EV/EBITDA = 1.37
    • P/E = 3.72
    • P/B = 1.08
    • P/CF = 3.51
    • P/S = 0.26

These figures–especially EV/EBITDA, P/E, and P/S–make Macro Enterprises one of the top ten cheapest companies out of over two thousand that we ranked.

Step Two

Next we calculate the Piotroski F-Score, which is a measure of the fundamental strength of the company. For more on the Piostroski F-Score, see my blog post here:

Macro Enterprises has a Piotroski F-Score of 7. (The best score possible is 9, while the worst score is 0.) This is a very good score.

Step Three

Then we rank the company based on low debt, high insider ownership, and shareholder yield.

Warren Buffett, arguably the greatest investor of all time, explains why low debt is important:

At rare and unpredictable intervals… credit vanishes and debt becomes financially fatal.

We measure debt levels by looking at total liabilities (TL) to total assets (TA). Macro Enterprises has TL/TA of 27.17%, which is fairly low.

Insider ownership is important because that means that the people running the company have interests that are aligned with the interests of other shareholders. Macro’s founder and CEO, Frank Miles, owns approximately 30%+ of the shares outstanding. Other insiders own about 3%. This puts Macro Enterprises in the top 7% of the more than two thousand companies we ranked according to insider ownership.

Shareholder yield is the dividend yield plus the buyback yield. The company has no dividend. Also, while it has bought back a modest number of shares, this has been offset by the issuance and exercise of stock options. Thus overall, the shareholder yield is zero.

Each component of the ranking has a different weight. The overall combined ranking of Macro Enterprises places it in the top 5 stocks on our screen, or the top 0.2% of the more than two thousand companies we ranked.

Step Four

The final step is to study the company’s financial statements, presentations, and quarterly conference calls to (i) check for non-recurring items, hidden liabilities, and bad accounting; (ii) estimate intrinsic value–how much the business is worth–using scenarios for low, mid, and high cases.

Macro Enterprises has been in operation for 25 years. Over that time, it has earned a reputation for safety and reliability while becoming one of the largest pipeline construction companies in western Canada. The company has a market cap of $121 million and an enterprise value of $98 million.

Macro has built a record backlog of $870+ million in net revenue over the next few years. That is more than 7x the company’s current market cap. Presently the company has at least a 16% EBITDA margin. This translates into a net profit margin of at least 11%. That means the company will earn at least 80% of its current market cap over the next few years. (Peak net profit margins were around 15%–at these levels, the company would earn more than 100% of its market cap over the next few years.)

If you look at the $870+ million backlog, there are two large projects. There’s the $375 million Trans Mountain Project, of which Macro’s interest is 50%. And there’s the $900 million Coastal GasLink Project, of which Macro’s interest is 40%. Importantly, both of these projects are largely cost-plus–as opposed to fixed price–which greatly reduces the company’s execution risk. Macro can be expected to add new profitable projects to its backlog.

Furthermore, Macro performs maintenance and integrity work on existing pipelines. The company has four master service agreements with large pipeline operators to conduct such work, which is a source of recurring, higher-margin revenue.

Intrinsic value scenarios:

    • Low case: Macro is probably not worth less than book value, which is $3.61 per share. That’s about 7% lower than today’s share price of $3.89.
    • Mid case: The company is probably worth at least EV/EBITDA of 5.0. That translates into a share price of $10.39, which is 167% higher than today’s $3.89.
    • High case: Macro may easily be worth at least EV/EBITDA of 8.0. That translates into a share price of $16.17, which is about 316% higher than today’s $3.89.

Bottom Line

Macro Enterprises is one of the top 5 most attractive stocks out of more than two thousand microcap stocks that we ranked using our quantitative screen. Moreover, the mid case and high case intrinsic value estimates are far above the current stock price. As a result, we are “trembling with greed” to buy this stock for the Boole Microcap Fund.


In addition to company financial statements and presentations, I used information from the following three analyses of Macro Enterprises:

(Note: If you have trouble accessing the analyses, you can create a guest account, which is free.)



An equal weighted group of micro caps generally far outperforms an equal weighted (or cap-weighted) group of larger stocks over time. See the historical chart here:

This outperformance increases significantly by focusing on cheap micro caps. Performance can be further boosted by isolating cheap microcap companies that show improving fundamentals. We rank microcap stocks based on these and similar criteria.

There are roughly 10-20 positions in the portfolio. The size of each position is determined by its rank. Typically the largest position is 15-20% (at cost), while the average position is 8-10% (at cost). Positions are held for 3 to 5 years unless a stock approachesintrinsic value sooner or an error has been discovered.

The mission of the Boole Fund is to outperform the S&P 500 Index by at least 5% per year (net of fees) over 5-year periods. We also aim to outpace the Russell Microcap Index by at least 2% per year (net). The Boole Fund has low fees.


If you are interested in finding out more, please e-mail me or leave a comment.

My e-mail:




Disclosures: Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. All investments contain risk and may lose value. This material is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Boole Capital, LLC.

This Time Is Different

(Image: Zen Buddha Silence by Marilyn Barbone)

July 14, 2019

For a value investor who patiently searches for individual stocks that are cheap, predictions about the economy or the stock market are irrelevant. In fact, most of the time, such predictions are worse than irrelevant because they could cause the value investor to miss some individual bargains.

Warren Buffett puts it best:

  • Charlie and I never have an opinion on the market because it wouldn’t be any good and it might interfere with the opinions we have that are good.
  • We will continue to ignore political and economic forecasts, which are an expensive distraction for many investors and businessmen.
  • Market forecasters will fill your ear but never fill your wallet.
  • Forecastsmay tell you a great deal about the forecaster; they tell you nothing about the future.
  • Stop trying to predict the direction of the stock market, the economy, interest rates, or elections.
  • [On economic forecasts:]Why spend time talking about something you don’t know anything about? People do it all the time, but why do it?
  • I don’t invest a dime based on macro forecasts.

A bull and bear are facing each other in front of the stock market.

(Illustration by Eti Swinford)

No one has ever been able to predict the stock market with any sort of reliability. Ben Graham–with a 200 IQ–was as smart or smarter than any value investor who’s ever lived. And here’s what Graham said near the end of his career:

If I have noticed anything over these 60 years on Wall Street, it is that people do not succeed in forecasting what’s going to happen to the stock market.

No one can predict the stock market, although anyone can get lucky once or twice in a row. But if you’re patient, you can find individual stocks that are cheap. Consider the career of Henry Singleton.

When he was managing Teledyne, Singleton built one of the best track records of all time as a capital allocator. A dollar invested with Singleton would grow to $180.94 by the time of Singleton’s retirement 29 years later. $10,000 invested with Singleton would have become $1.81 million.

Did Singleton ever worry about whether the stock market was too high when he was deciding how to allocate capital? Not ever. Not one single time. Singleton:

I don’t believe all this nonsense about market timing. Just buy very good value and when the market is ready that value will be recognized.

Had Singleton ever brooded over the level of the stock market, his phenomenal track record as a capital allocator would have suffered.

Top value investor Seth Klarman expresses the matter as follows:

In reality, no one knows what the market will do; trying to predict it is a waste of time, and investing based upon that prediction is a speculative undertaking.

If you’re not convinced that focusing on individual bargains–regardless of the economy or the market–is the wise approach, then let’s consider whether “this time is different.”Why is this phrase important? Because if things are never different, then you can bet on historical trends–and mean reversion; you can bet that P/E ratio’s will return to normal, which (if true) implies that the stock market today will probably fall.

Quite a few leading value investors–who have excellent track records of ignoring the crowd and being right–agree that the U.S. stock market today is very overvalued, at least based on historical trends. (This group includes Rob Arnott, Jeremy Grantham, John Hussman, Frank Martin, Russell Napier, and Andrew Smithers.)

However, this time the crowd appears to be right and leading value investors wrong. This time really is different. Grantham admits:

[It] can be very dangerous indeed to assume that things are never different.

Here Grantham presents his views:

Leading value investor Howard Marks:

The thing I find most interesting about investing is how paradoxical it is: how often the things that seem most obvious–on which everyone agrees–turn out not to be true.



The main reason is not possible to predict the economy or the stock market is that both the economy and the stock market evolve over time. As Howard Marks says:

Economics and markets aren’t governed by immutable laws like the physical sciences…

…sometimes things really are different…


In 1963, Graham gave a lecture, “Securities in an Insecure World.” Link:

In the lecture, Graham admits that the Graham P/E–based on ten-year average earnings of the Dow components–was much too conservative. (The Graham P/E is now called the CAPE–cyclically adjusted P/E.) Graham:

The action of the stock market since then would appear to demonstrate that these methods of valuations are ultra-conservative and much too low, although they did work out extremely well through the stock market fluctuations from 1871 to about 1954, which is an exceptionally long period of time for a test. Unfortunately in this kind of work, where you are trying to determine relationships based upon past behavior, the almost invariable experience is that by the time you have had a long enough period to give you sufficient confidence in your form of measurement just then new conditions supersede and the measurement is no longer dependable for the future.

Because of the U.S. government’s more aggressive policy with respect to preventing a depression, Graham concluded that the U.S. stock market should have a fair value 50 percent higher. (Graham explains this change in the 1962 edition ofSecurity Analysis.)

Similar logic can be applied to the S&P 500 Index today–at just over 3,013. Fed policy, moral hazard, lower interest rates, an aging population, slower growth, productivity, and higher profit margins (based in part on political and monopoly power) are all factors in the S&P 500 being quite high.

The great value investor John Templeton observed that when people say, “this time is different,” 20 percent of the time they’re right.

By traditional standards, the U.S. stock market looks high. For instance, the CAPE is at 29+. (The CAPE–formerly the Graham P/E–is the cyclically adjusted P/E ratio based on 10-year average earnings.) The historical average CAPE is 16.6.

If the stock market followed the pattern of history, then there would be mean reversion in stock prices, i.e., there would probably be a large drop in stock prices, at least until the CAPE approached 16.6. (Typically the CAPE would overshoot on the downside and so would go below 16.6.)

But that assumes that the CAPE will still average 16.6 going forward. Since 1996, according to Rob Arnott, 96% of the time the CAPE has been above the 16.6; and two-thirds of the time the CAPE has been above 24. See:

Here are some reasons why the average CAPE going forward could be 24 (or even higher) instead of 16.6.

  • Interest rates have gotten progressively lower over the past couple of decades, especially since 2009. This may continue. The longer interest rates stay low, the higher stock prices will be.
  • Perhaps the government has tamed the business cycle (at least to some extent). Monetary and fiscal authorities may continue to be able to delay or avoid a recession.
  • Government deficits might not cause interest rates to rise, in part because the U.S. can print its own currency.
  • Government debt might not cause interest rates to rise. (Again, the U.S. can print its own currency.)
  • Just because the rate of unemployment is low doesn’t mean that the rate of inflation will pick up.
  • Inflation may be structurally lower–and possibly also less volatile–than in the past.
  • Profit margins may be permanently higher than in the past.

Let’s consider each point in some detail.



The longer rates stay low, the higher stock prices will be.

Warren Buffett pointed out recently that if 3% on 30-year bonds makes sense, then stocks are ridiculously cheap:



The current economic recovery is the longest recovery in U.S. history. Does that imply that a recession is overdue? Not necessarily. GDP has been less volatile due in part to the actions of the government, including Fed policy.

Perhaps the government is finally learning how to tame the business cycle. Perhaps a recession can be avoided for another 5-10 years or even longer.



Traditional economic theory says that perpetual government deficits will eventually cause interest rates to rise. However, according to Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), a country that can print its own currency doesn’t need to worry about deficits.

Per MMT, the government first spends money and then later takes money back out in the form of taxes. Importantly, every dollar the government spends ends up as a dollar of income for someone else. So deficits are benign. (Deficits can still be too big under MMT, particularly if they are not used to increase the nation’s productive capacity, or if there is a shortage of labor, raw materials, and factories.)

Interview with Stephanie Kelton, one of the most influential proponents of MMT:



Traditional economic theory says that government debt can get so high that people lose confidence in the country’s bonds and currency. Stephanie Kelton:

The national debt is nothing more than a historical record of all of the dollars that were spent into the economy and not taxed back, and are currently being saved in the form of Treasury securities.

One key, again, is that the country in question must be able to print its own currency.

Kelton again:

MMT is advancing a different way of thinking about money and a different way of thinking about the role of taxes and deficits and debt in our economy. I think it’s probably also safe to say that MMT has, I think, a superior understanding of monetary operations. That means that we take banking and the Federal Reserve and Treasury operations and so forth very seriously, whereas more conventional approaches historically have rarely even found room in their models for things like money and finance and debt.

Let’s be clear. MMT may be wrong, at least in part. Many great economists–including Paul Krugman, Ken Rogoff, Larry Summers, and Janet Yellen–do not agree with MMT’s assertion that deficits and debt don’t matter for a country that can print its own currency.



In traditional economic theory, the Phillips curve holds that there is an inverse relationship between the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation. As unemployment falls, wages increase which causes inflation. But if you look at the non-employment rate (rather than the unemployment rate), the labor market isn’t really tight. The labor force participation rate is at its lowest level in more than 40 years. That explains in part why wages and inflation have not increased.



As Howard Marks has noted, inflation may be structurally lower than in the past, due to automation, the shift of manufacturing to low-cost countries, and the abundace of free/cheap stuff in the digital age.

Link again:



Proft margins on sales and corporate profits as a percentage of GDP have both been trending higher. This is due partly to “increased monopoly, political, and brand power,” according to Jeremy Grantham. Link again:

Furthermore, lower interest rates and higher leverage (since 1997) have contributed to higher profit margins, asserts Grantham.

I would add that software and related technologies have become much more important in the U.S. and global economy. Companies in these fields tend to have much higher profit margins–even after accounting for lower rates, higher leverage, and increased monopoly and political power.



The most important point is that it’s not possible to predict the stock market, but it is possible–if you’re patient–to find individual stocks that are undervalued. This is especially true if your assets are small enough to invest in microcap stocks. In 1999, when the overall U.S. stock market was close to its highest valuation in history, Warren Buffett said:

If I was running $1 million, or $10 million for that matter, I’d be fully invested.

No matter how high the S&P 500 Index gets, there are hundreds of microcap stocks that are almost completely ignored, with no analyst coverage and with no large investors paying attention. That’s why Buffett said during the stock bubble in 1999 that he’d be fully invested if he were managing a small enough sum.

Microcap stocks offer the highest potential returns because there are thousands of them and they are largely ignored. That’s not to say that there are no cheap small caps, mid caps, or large caps. Even when the broad market is high, there are at least a few undervalued large caps. But the number of undervalued micro caps is always much greater than the number of undervalued large caps.

So it’s best to focus on micro caps in order to maximize long-term returns. But whether you invest in micro caps or in large caps, what matters is not the stock market or the economy, but the price of the individual business.

If and when you find a business selling at a cheap stock price, then it’s best to buy regardless of economic and market conditions–and regardless of economic and market forecasts. As Seth Klarman puts it:

Investors must learn to assess value in order to know a bargain when they see one. Then they must exhibit the patience and discipline to wait until a bargain emerges from their searches and buy it, regardless of the prevailing direction of the market or their own views about the economy at large.

For example, if you find a conservatively financed business whose stock is trading at 20 percent of liquidation value, it makes sense to buy it regardless of how high the overall stock market is and regardless of what’s happening–or what might happen–in the economy. Seth Klarman again:

We don’t buy ‘the market’. We invest in discrete situations, each individually compelling.

Ignore forecasts!

A man in a suit and tie holding a telescope.

(Illustration by Maxim Popov)

Peter Lynch:

Nobody can predict interest rates, the future direction of the economy, or the stock market. Dismiss all such forecasts and concentrate on what’s actually happening to the companies in which you’ve invested.

Now, every year there are “pundits” who make predictions about the stock market. Therefore, as a matter of pure chance, there will always be people in any given year who are “right.” But there’s zero evidence that any of those who were “right” at some point in the past have been correct with any sort of reliability.

Howard Marks has asked: of those who correctly predicted the bear market in 2008, how many of them predicted the recovery in 2009 and since then? The answer: very few. Marks points out that most of those who got 2008 right were already disposed to bearish views in general. So when a bear market finally came, they were “right,” but the vast majority missed the recovery starting in 2009.

There are always naysayers making bearish predictions. But anyone who owned an S&P 500 Index fund from 2007 to present (mid 2019) would have done dramatically better than most of those who listened to naysayers. Buffett:

Ever-present naysayers may prosper by marketing their gloomy forecasts. But heaven help them if they act on the nonsense they peddle.

Buffett himself made a 10-year wager against a group of talented hedge fund (and fund of hedge fund) managers. Buffett’s investment in an S&P 500 Index fund trounced the super-smart hedge funds. See:

Some very able investors have stayed largely in cash since 2011. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 Index has increased close to 140 percent. Moreover, many smart investors have tried to short the U.S. stock market since 2011. Not surprisingly, some of these short sellers are down 50 percent or more.

This group of short sellers includes the value investor John Hussman, whose Hussman Strategic Growth Fund (HSGFX) is down nearly 54 percent since the end of 2011. Compare that to a low-cost S&P 500 Index fund like the Vanguard 500 Index Fund Investor Shares (VFINX), which is up 140 percent since then end of 2011.

If you invested $10,000 in HSGFX at the end of 2011, you would have about $4,600 today. If instead you invested $10,000 in VFINX at the end of 2011, you would have about $24,000 today. In other words, if you invested with one of the “ever-present naysayers,” you would have 20 percent of the value you otherwise would have gotten from a simple index fund. HSGFX will have to increase 400 percent more than VFINX just to get back to even.

Please don’t misunderstand. John Hussman is a brilliant and patient investor. (Also, I made a very similar mistake 2011-2013.) But Hussman, along with many other highly intelligent value investors–including Rob Arnott, Frank Martin, Russell Napier, and Andrew Smithers–have missed the strong possibility that this time really may be different, i.e., the average CAPE (cyclically adjusted P/E) going forward may be 24 or higher instead of 16.6.

The truth–fair value–may be somewhere in-between a CAPE of 16.6 and a CAPE of 24. But even in that case, HSGFX is unlikely to increase 400 percent relative to the S&P 500 Index.

Jeremy Grantham again:

[It] can be very dangerous indeed to assume that things are never different.

As John Maynard Keynes is (probably incorrectly) reported to have said:

When the information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do, sir?



In his 2018 letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, Warren Buffett writes about “The American Tailwind.” See pages 13-14:

Buffett begins this discussion by pointing out that he first invested in American business when he was 11 years old in 1942. That was 77 years ago. Buffett “went all in” and invested $114.75 in three shares of City Service preferred stock.

Buffett then asks the reader to travel back the two 77-year periods prior to his purchase. The year is 1788. George Washington had just been made the first president of the United States.

Buffett asks:

Could anyone then have imagined what their new country would accomplish in only three 77-year lifetimes?

Buffett continues:

During the two 77-year periods prior to 1942, the United States had grown from four million people – about 1â„2 of 1% of the world’s population – into the most powerful country on earth. In that spring of 1942, though, it faced a crisis: The U.S. and its allies were suffering heavy losses in a war that we had entered only three months earlier. Bad news arrived daily.

Despite the alarming headlines, almost all Americans believed on that March 11th that the war would be won. Nor was their optimism limited to that victory. Leaving aside congenital pessimists, Americans believed that their children and generations beyond would live far better lives than they themselves had led.

The nation’s citizens understood, of course, that the road ahead would not be a smooth ride. It never had been. Early in its history our country was tested by a Civil War that killed 4% of all American males and led President Lincoln to openly ponder whether “a nation so conceived and so dedicated could long endure.” In the 1930s, America suffered through the Great Depression, a punishing period of massive unemployment.

Nevertheless, in 1942, when I made my purchase, the nation expected post-war growth, a belief that proved to be well-founded. In fact, the nation’s achievements can best be described as breathtaking.

Let’s put numbers to that claim: If my $114.75 had been invested in a no-fee S&P 500 index fund, and all dividends had been reinvested, my stake would have grown to be worth (pre-taxes) $606,811 on January 31, 2019 (the latest data available before the printing of this letter). That is a gain of 5,288 for 1. Meanwhile, a $1 million investment by a tax-free institution of that time – say, a pension fund or college endowment – would have grown to about $5.3 billion.


Those who regularly preach doom because of government budget deficits (as I regularly did myself for many years) might note that our country’s national debt has increased roughly 400-fold during the last of my 77-year periods. That’s 40,000%! Suppose you had foreseen this increase and panicked at the prospect of runaway deficits and a worthless currency. To “protect” yourself, you might have eschewed stocks and opted instead to buy 3 1â„4 ounces of gold with your $114.75.

And what would that supposed protection have delivered? You would now have an asset worth about $4,200, less than 1% of what would have been realized from a simple unmanaged investment in American business. The magical metal was no match for the American mettle.

Our country’s almost unbelievable prosperity has been gained in a bipartisan manner. Since 1942, we have had seven Republican presidents and seven Democrats. In the years they served, the country contended at various times with a long period of viral inflation, a 21% prime rate, several controversial and costly wars, the resignation of a president, a pervasive collapse in home values, a paralyzing financial panic and a host of other problems. All engendered scary headlines; all are now history.



An equal weighted group of micro caps generally far outperforms an equal weighted (or cap-weighted) group of larger stocks over time. See the historical chart here:

This outperformance increases significantly by focusing on cheap micro caps. Performance can be further boosted by isolating cheap microcap companies that show improving fundamentals. We rank microcap stocks based on these and similar criteria.

There are roughly 10-20 positions in the portfolio. The size of each position is determined by its rank. Typically the largest position is 15-20% (at cost), while the average position is 8-10% (at cost). Positions are held for 3 to 5 years unless a stock approachesintrinsic value sooner or an error has been discovered.

The mission of the Boole Fund is to outperform the S&P 500 Index by at least 5% per year (net of fees) over 5-year periods. We also aim to outpace the Russell Microcap Index by at least 2% per year (net). The Boole Fund has low fees.


If you are interested in finding out more, please e-mail me or leave a comment.

My e-mail:




Disclosures: Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. All investments contain risk and may lose value. This material is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Boole Capital, LLC.

The Art of Value Investing

(Image: Zen Buddha Silence by Marilyn Barbone.)

March 11, 2018

The Art of Value Investing (Wiley, 2013) is an excellent book by John Heins and Whitney Tilson. Heins and Tilson have been running the monthly newsletter, Value Investor Insight, for a decade now. Over that time, they have interviewed many of the best value investors in the world. The Art of Value Investing is a collection of quotations carefully culled from those interviews.

I’ve selected and discussed the best quotes from the following areas:

  • Margin of Safety
  • Humility, Flexibility, and Patience
  • “Can’t Lose”: Shorting the U.S. Stock Market
  • “Can’t Lose”: Shorting the Japanese Yen
  • Courage
  • Cigar-Butt’s
  • Opportunities in Micro Caps
  • Predictable Human Irrationality
  • Long-Term Time Horizon
  • Screening and Quantitative Models



A black and white photo of an older man.

(Ben Graham, by Equim43)

Ben Graham, the father of value investing, stressed having a margin of safety by buying well below the probable intrinsic value of a stock. This is essential because the future is uncertain. Also, mistakes are inevitable. (Good value investors tend to be right 60 percent of the time and wrong 40 percent of the time.) Jean-Marie Eveillard:

Whenever Ben Graham was asked what he thought would happen to the economy or to company X’s or Y’s profits, he always used to deadpan, ‘The future is uncertain.’ That’s precisely why there’s a need for a margin of safety in investing, which is more relevant today than ever.

Value investing legend Seth Klarman:

People should be highly skeptical of anyone’s, including their own, ability to predict the future, and instead pursue strategies that can survive whatever may occur.

The central idea in value investing is to figure out what a business is worth (approximately), and then pay a lot less to acquire part ownership of that business via stock. Howard Marks:

If I had to identify a single key to consistently successful investing, I’d say it’s ‘cheapness.’ Buying at low prices relative to intrinsic value (rigorously and conservatively derived) holds the key to earning dependably high returns, limiting risk and minimizing losses. It’s not the only thing that matters–obviously–but it’s something for which there is no substitute.



A lit up sign that says always stay humble.

(Image by Wilma64)

Successful value investing, to a large extent, is about having the right mindset. Matthew McLennan identifies humility, flexibility, and patience as key traits:

Starting with the first recorded and reliable history that we can find–a history of the Peloponnesian war by a Greek author named Thucydides–and following through a broad array of key historical global crises, you see recurring aspects of human nature that have gotten people into trouble: hubris, dogma, and haste. The keys to our investing approach are the symmetrical opposite of that: humility, flexibility, and patience.

On the humility side, one of the things that Jean-Marie Eveillard firmly ingrained in the culture here is that the future is uncertain. That results in investing with not only a price margin of safety, but in companies with conservative balance sheets and prudent and proven management teams….

In terms of flexibility, we’ve been willing to be out of the biggest sectors of the market…

The third thing in terms of temperament we think we value more than most other investors is patience. We have a five-year average holding period….We like to plant seeds and then watch the trees grow, and our portfolio is often kind of a portrait of inactivity.

It’s hard to overstate the importance of humility in investing. Many of the biggest investing mistakes have occurred when intelligent investors who have succeeded in the past have developed high conviction in an idea that happens to be wrong. Kyle Bass explains this point clearly:

You obviously need to develop strong opinions and to have the conviction to stick with them when you believe you’re right, even when everybody else may think you’re an idiot. But where I’ve seen ego get in the way is by not always being open to questions and to input that could change your mind. If you can’t ever admit you’re wrong, you’re more likely to hang on to your losers and sell your winners, which is not a recipe for success.

It often happens in investing that ideas that seem obvious or even irrefutable turn out to be wrong. The very best investors–such as Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Seth Klarman, Howard Marks, Jeremy Grantham, George Soros, and Ray Dalio–have developed enough humility to admit when they’re wrong, even when all the evidence seems to indicate that they’re right.

Here are two great examples of how seemingly irrefutable ideas can turn out to be wrong:

  • shorting the U.S. stock market;
  • shorting the Japanese yen.



A bull and bear are facing each other in front of the stock market.

(Illustration by Eti Swinford)

Professor Russell Napier is the author ofAnatomy of the Bear (Harriman House, 4th edition, 2016). Napier was a top-rated analyst for many years and has been studying and writing about global macro strategy for institutional investors since 1995.

Napier has maintained (at least since 2012) that the U.S. stock market is significantly overvalued based on the Q-ratio and also the CAPE (cyclically adjusted P/E). Moreover, Napier points out that every major U.S. secular bear market bottom in the last 100 years or so has seen the CAPE approach single digits. The catalyst for the major drop has always been either inflation or deflation, states Napier.

Napier continues to argue that U.S. stocks are overvalued and that deflation will cause the U.S. stock market to drop significantly, similar to previous secular bear markets.

Many highly intelligent value investors–at least since 2012 or 2013–have maintained high cash balances and/or short positions because they essentially agree with Napier’s argument.

However, no one has ever been able to predict the stock market. But if you follow the advice of most great value investors, you just focus on investing in individual businesses that you can understand. There’s no need to try to predict the unpredictable.

That’s not to say there won’t be a large drop in the S&P 500 Index at some point. But Napier was arguing–starting even before 2012–that the S&P 500 Index was overvalued at levels around 1200-1500 and that it would fall possibly as low as 400. It’s now roughly six years later and the S&P 500 Index has recently exceeded 2700-2800. Moreover, Jeremy Grantham, an expert on bubbles and fully aware of arguments by bears like Napier, has recently suggested the S&P 500 Index could exceed 3400-3700 before any serious break.

If the market exceeds 3400 or 3700 and then falls to 1700-2000, Napier still wouldn’t be right because he originally suggested a fall from 1200-1500 towards levels near 400. Napier is one of the smartest market historians in the world. This demonstrates that no one has ever been able to predict the stock market. That’s what great value investors–including Ben Graham, Henry Singleton, Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Peter Lynch, and Seth Klarman–have always maintained.

The basic reason the stock market can’t be predicted is that the economy changes and evolves over time.

  • For example, Fed policy in recent decades has been to keep interest rates quite low for years in order to prevent deflation. Very low rates cause stocks to be much higher than otherwise.
  • Profit margins are arguably higher to the extent that software (and related technologies) has become much more important in the U.S. and global economy. The five largest U.S. companies are Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon, all technology companies. Lower corporate taxes are likely giving a further boost to profit margins.

Jeremy Grantham, co-founder of GMO, is one of the most astute value investors who tracks fair value of the S&P 500 Index. Grantham used to think, back in 2012-2013, that the U.S. secular bear market was not over. Then he partially revised his view and predicted that the S&P 500 Index was likely to exceed 2250-2300. This level would have made the S&P 500’s value two standard deviations above the historical mean, indicating that it was back in bubble territory according to GMO’s definition.

Recently, in June 2017, Grantham has revised his view again. See:—i-do-indeed-believe-the-us-market-will-revert-toward-its-old-means-just-very-slowly

Grantham says mean reversion for profit margins and for the CAPE (cyclically adjusted P/E) is likely, but will probably take 20 years rather than 7 years (which previously was sufficient for mean reversion). That’s because the factors that support margins and the CAPE are themselves changing very slowly. Those factors include Fed policy including moral hazard, lower interest rates, an aging population, slower growth, productivity, and increased political and monopoly power for corporations.

In January 2018, Grantham updated his view yet again:—bracing-yourself-for-a-possible-near-term-melt-up.pdf?sfvrsn=4

Grantham now asserts that a market melt-up is likely over the next 6 months to 2 years. Grantham suggests that the S&P 500 Index will exceed 3400 or 3700. Prices are already high, but few of the usual signs of euphoria are present, which is why Grantham thinks the S&P 500 Index is not quite back to bubble territory.

The historian has to emphasize the big picture: In general are investors getting clearly carried away? Are prices accelerating? Is the market narrowing? And, are at least some of the other early warnings from the previous great bubbles falling into place?

A pencil is writing the word conclusion on paper

(Image by joshandandreaphotography)

As John Maynard Keynes is (probably incorrectly) reported to have said:

When the information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do, sir?

There are some very smart value investors–such as Frank Martin and John Hussman–who still basically agree with Russell Napier’s views. They may eventually be right.

But no one has ever been able to predict the stock market. Ben Graham–with a 200 IQ–was as smart or smarter than any value investor who’s ever lived. And here’s what Graham said near the end of his career:

If I have noticed anything over these sixty years on Wall Street, it is that people do not succeed in forecasting what’s going to happen to the stock market.

In 1963, Graham gave a lecture, “Securities in an Insecure World.” Link:

In the lecture, Graham admits that the Graham P/E–based on ten-year average earnings of the Dow components–was much too conservative. Graham:

The action of the stock market since then would appear to demonstrate that these methods of valuations are ultra-conservative and much too low, although they did work out extremely well through the stock market fluctuations from 1871 to about 1954, which is an exceptionally long period of time for a test. Unfortunately in this kind of work, where you are trying to determine relationships based upon past behavior, the almost invariable experience is that by the time you have had a long enough period to give you sufficient confidence in your form of measurement just then new conditions supersede and the measurement is no longer dependable for the future.

Graham goes on to note that, in the 1962 edition ofSecurity Analysis, Graham and Dodd addressed this issue. Because of the U.S. government’s more aggressive policy with respect to preventing a depression, Graham and Dodd concluded that the U.S. stock market should have a fair value 50 percent higher.

Similar logic can be applied to the S&P 500 Index today–at just over 2783. Fed policy including moral hazard, lower interest rates, an aging population, slower growth, productivity, and increased political and monopoly power for corporations are all factors in the S&P 500 being quite high. But Grantham is most likely right that there won’t be a true bubble until there are more signs of investors getting carried away. Grantham reminds readers that a bubble is “Excellent Fundamentals Euphorically Extrapolated.” Now that the global economy is doing nicely, this condition for a true bubble is now in place.

None of this suggests that an investor should attempt market timing. Value investors can still find individual stocks that are undervalued, even though there are fewer today than a few years ago. But trying to time the market itself has almost never worked except by luck. This has not only been observed by Graham. But it’s also been pointed out by Peter Lynch, Seth Klarman, Henry Singleton, and Warren Buffett. Peter Lynch is one of the best investors. Klarman is even better. Buffett is arguably the best. And Singleton was even smarter than Buffett.

A man in a suit and tie holding a telescope.

(Illustration by Maxim Popov)

Peter Lynch:

Nobody can predict interest rates, the future direction of the economy, or the stock market. Dismiss all such forecasts and concentrate on what’s actually happening to the companies in which you’ve invested.

Seth Klarman:

In reality, no one knows what the market will do; trying to predict it is a waste of time, and investing based upon that prediction is a speculative undertaking.

Now, every year there are “pundits” who make predictions about the stock market. Therefore, as a matter of pure chance, there will always be people in any given year who are “right.” But there’s zero evidence that any of those who were “right” at some point in the past have been correct with any sort of reliability.

Howard Marks has asked: of those who correctly predicted the bear market in 2008, how many of them predicted the recovery in 2009 and since then? The answer: very few. Marks points out that most of those who got 2008 right were already disposed to bearish views in general. So when a bear market finally came, they were “right,” but the vast majority missed the recovery starting in 2009.

There are always naysayers making bearish predictions. But anyone who owned an S&P 500 index fund from 2007 to present (early 2018) would have done dramatically better than most of those who listened to naysayers. Buffett:

Ever-present naysayers may prosper by marketing their gloomy forecasts. But heaven help them if they act on the nonsense they peddle.

Buffett himself made a 10-year wager against a group of talented hedge fund (and fund of hedge fund) managers. The S&P 50 Index fund trounced the super-smart hedge funds. See:

Some very able investors have stayed largely in cash since 2011-2012. The S&P 500 Index has more than doubled since then. Moreover, many have tried to short the U.S. stock market since 2011-2012. Some are down 50 percent or more, while the S&P 500 Index has more than doubled. The net result of that combination is to be at only 15-25% of the S&P 500’s current value.

Henry Singleton, a business genius (100 points from being a chess grandmaster) who was easily one of the best capital allocators in American business history,neverrelied on financial forecasts–despite operating in a secular bear market from 1968 to 1982:

I don’t believe all this nonsense about market timing. Just buy very good value and when the market is ready that value will be recognized.

Warren Buffett puts it best:

  • Charlie and I never have an opinion on the market because it wouldn’t be any good and it might interfere with the opinions we have that are good.
  • We will continue to ignore political and economic forecasts, which are an expensive distraction for many investors and businessmen.
  • Market forecasters will fill your ear but never fill your wallet.
  • Forecastsmay tell you a great deal about the forecaster; they tell you nothing about the future.
  • Stop trying to predict the direction of the stock market, the economy, interest rates, or elections.
  • [On economic forecasts:]Why spend time talking about something you don’t know anything about? People do it all the time, but why do it?
  • I don’t invest a dime based on macro forecasts.



Another good example of a “can’t lose” investment idea that has turned out not to be right: shorting the Japanese yen. Many macro experts have been quite certain that the Japanese yen versus the U.S. dollar would eventually exceed 200. They thought this would have happened years ago. Some called it the “trade of the decade.” But the yen versus U.S. dollar is still around 110. A simple S&P 500 index fund appears to be doing far better than the “trade of the decade.”

A red and white sign with the symbol for yen

(Illustration by Shalom3)

Some have tried to short Japanese government bonds (JGB’s), rather than shorting the yen currency. But that hasn’t worked for decades. In fact, shorting JGB’s has become known as thewidowmaker trade.

Seth Klarman on humility:

In investing, certainty can be a serious problem, because it causes one not to reassess flawed conclusions. Nobody can know all the facts. Instead, one must rely on shreds of evidence, kernels of truth, and what one suspects to be true but cannot prove.

Klarman on the vital importance of doubt:

It is much harder psychologically to be unsure than to be sure; certainty builds confidence, and confidence reinforces certainty. Yet being overly certain in an uncertain, protean, and ultimately unknowable world is hazardous for investors. To be sure, uncertainty breeds doubt, which can be paralyzing. But uncertainty also motivates diligence, as one pursues the unattainable goal of eliminating all doubt. Unlike premature or false certainty, which induces flawed analysis and failed judgments, a healthy uncertainty drives the quest for justifiable conviction.

My own painful experiences: shorting the U.S. stock market and shorting the Japanese yen. In each case, I believed that the evidence was overwhelming. By far the biggest mistake I’ve ever made was shorting the U.S. stock market in 2011-2013. At the time, I agreed with Russell Napier’s arguments. I was completely wrong.

After that, I shorted the Japanese yen because I was convinced the argument was virtually irrefutable. Wrong. Perhaps the yen will collapse some day, but if it’s 10-20 years in the future–or even later–then an index fund or a quantitative value fund would be a far better and safer investment.

Spencer Davidson:

Over a long career you learn a certain humility and are quicker to attribute success to luck rather than your own brilliance. I think that makes you a better investor, because you’re less apt to make the big mistake and you’re probably quicker to capitalize on good fortune when it shines upon you.

Jeffrey Bronchick:

It’s important not to get carried away with yourself when times are good, and to be able to admit your mistakes and move on when they’re not so good. If you are intellectually honest–and not afraid to be visibly and sometimes painfully judged by your peers–investing is not work, it’s fun.

Patiently waiting for pessimism or temporary bad news to create low stock prices (some place), and then buying stocks well below probable intrinsic value, does not require genius in general. But it does require the humility to focus only on areas where you can do well. As Warren Buffett has remarked:

What counts for most people in investing is not how much they know, but rather how realistically they define what they don’t know.



A close up of the word courage on paper

(Courage concept by Travelling-light)

Humility is essential for success in investing. But you also need the courage to think and act independently. You have to be able to develop an investment thesis based on the facts and good reasoning without worrying if many others disagree. Most of the best value investments are contrarian, meaning that your view differs from the consensus. Ben Graham:

In the world of securities, courage becomes the supreme virtue after adequate knowledge and a tested judgment are at hand.

Graham again:

You’re neither right nor wrong because the crowd disagrees with you. You’re right because your data and reasoning are right.

Or as Carlo Cannell says:

Going against the grain is clearly not for everyone–and it doesn’t tend to help you in your social life–but to make the really large money in investing, you have to have the guts to make the bets that everyone else is afraid to make.

Joel Greenblatt identifies two chief reasons why contrarian value investing is hard:

Value investing strategies have worked for years and everyone’s known about them. They continue to work because it’s hard for people to do, for two main reasons. First, the companies that show up on the screens can be scary and not doing so well, so people find them difficult to buy. Second, there can be one-, two- or three-year periods when a strategy like this doesn’t work. Most people aren’t capable of sticking it out through that.

Contrarian value investing requires buying what is out-of-favor, neglected, or hated. It also requires the ability to endure multi-year periods of trailing the market, which most investors just can’t do. Furthermore, while you’re buying what everyone hates and while you’re trailing the market, you also have to put up with people calling you an idiot. In a word, you must have the ability to suffer. Eveillard:

If you are a value investor, you’re a long-term investor. If you are a long-term investor, you’re not trying to keep up with a benchmark on a short-term basis. To do that, you accept in advance that every now and then you will lag behind, which is another way of saying you will suffer. That’s very hard to accept in advance because, the truth is, human nature shrinks from pain. That’s why not so many people invest this way. But if you believe as strongly as I do that value investing not only makes sense, but that it works, there’s really no credible alternative.



A bunch of coupons that are on top of each other

(Photo by Leung Cho Pan)

Warren Buffett has remarked that buying baskets of statistically cheap cigar-butt’s–50-cent dollars–is a more dependable way to generate good returns than buying high-quality businesses. Rich Pzena perhaps expressed it best:

When I talk about the companies I invest in, you’ll be able to rattle off hundreds of bad things about them–but that’s why they’re cheap! The most common comment I get is ‘Don’t you read the paper?’ Because if you read the paper, there’s no way you’d buy these stocks.

They’re priced where they are for good reason, but I invest when I believe the conditions that are causing them to be priced that way are probably not permanent. By nature, you can’t be short-term oriented with this investment philosophy. If you’re going to worry about short-term volatility, you’re just not going to be able to buy the cheapest stocks. With the cheapest stocks, the outlooks are uncertain.

Many investors incorrectly assume that high growth in the past will continue into the future, or that a high-quality company is automatically a good investment. Behavioral finance expert and value investor James Montier:

There’s a great chapter [in Dan Ariely’s Predictably Irrational] about the ways in which we tend to misjudge price and use it as an indicator of something or other. That links back to my whole thesis that the most common error we as investors make is overpaying for the hope of growth. Dan did an experiment involving wine, in which he told people, ‘Here’s a $10 bottle of wine and here’s a $90 bottle of wine. Please rate them and tell me which tastes better.’ Not surprisingly, nearly everyone thought the $90 wine tasted much better than the $10 wine. The only snag was that the $90 wine and the $10 wine were actually the same $10 wine.



A chess board with stacks of coins on it.

(Illustration by Mopic)

Micro-cap stocks are the most inefficiently priced. That’s because, for most professional investors, assets under management are too large. These investors cannot even consider micro caps. The Boole Microcap Fund is designed to take advantage of this inefficiency:

James Vanasek on the opportunity in micro caps:

We’ll invest in companies with up to $1 billion or so in market cap, but have been most successful in ideas that start out in the $50 million to $300 million range. Fewer people are looking at them and the industries the companies are in can be quite stable. Given that, if you find a company doing well, it’s more likely it can sustain that advantage over time.

Because very few professional investors can even contemplate investing in micro caps, there’s far less competition. Carlo Cannell:

My basic premise is that the efficient markets hypothesis breaks down when there is inconsistent, imperfect dissemination of information. Therefore it makes sense to direct our attention to the 14,000 or so publicly traded companies in the U.S. for which there is little or no investment sponsorship by Wall Street, meaning three or fewer sell-side analysts who publish research…

You’d be amazed how little competition we have in this neglected universe. It is just not in the best interest of the vast majority of the investing ecosphere to spend 10 minutes on the companies we spend our lives looking at.

Robert Robotti adds:

We focus on smaller-cap companies that are largely ignored by Wall Street and face some sort of distress, of their own making or due to an industry cycle. These companies are more likely to be inefficiently priced and if you have conviction and a long-term view they can produce not 20 to 30 percent returns, but multiples of that.



Value investors recognize that the stock market is not always efficient, largely because humans are often less than fully rational. As Seth Klarman explains:

Markets are inefficient because of human nature–innate, deep-rooted, permanent. People don’t consciously choose to invest with emotion–they simply can’t help it.

Quantitative value investor James O’Shaughnessy:

Because of all the foibles of human nature that are well documented by behavioral research–people are always going to overshoot and undershoot when pricing securities. A review of financial markets all the way back to the South Sea Company nearly 300 years ago proves this out.

Bryan Jacoboski:

The very reason price and value diverge in predictable and exploitable ways is because people are emotional beings. That’s why the distinguishing attribute among successful investors is temperament rather than brainpower, experience, or classroom training. They have the ability to be rational when others are not.

Overconfidence is extremely deep-rooted in human psychology. When asked, the vast majority of us rate ourselves as above average across a wide variety of dimensions such as looks, smarts, driving skill, academic ability, future well-being, and even luck (!).

In a field such as investing, it’s vital to become aware of our natural overconfidence. Charlie Munger likes this quote from Demosthenes:

Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what each man wishes, that also he believes to be true.

But becoming aware of our overconfidence is usually not enough. We also have to develop systems–such as checklists–that can automatically reduce both the frequency and the severity of mistakes.

A black and white icon of a sheet with a check mark on it.

(Image by Aleksey Vanin)

Charlie Munger reminds value investors not only to develop and use a checklist, but also to follow the advice of mathematician Carl Jacobi:

Invert, always invert.

In other words, instead of thinking about how to succeed, Munger advises value investors to figure out all the ways you can fail. This is a powerful concept in a field like investing, where overconfidence frequently causes failure. Munger:

It is occasionally possible for a tortoise, content to assimilate proven insights of his best predecessors, to outrun hares which seek originality or don’t wish to be left out of some crowd folly which ignores the best work of the past. This happens as the tortoise stumbles on some particularly effective way to apply the best previous work, or simply avoids the standard calamities. We try more to profit by always remembering the obvious than from grasping the esoteric. It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent.

When it comes to checklists, it’s helpful to have a list of cognitive biases. Here’s my list:

Munger’s list is more comprehensive:

Recency bias is one of the most important biases to be aware of as an investor. Jed Nussdorf:

It is very hard to avoid recency bias, when what just happened inordinately informs your expectation of what will happen next. One of the best things I’ve read on that is The Icarus Syndrome, by Peter Beinart. It’s not about investing, but describes American hubris in foreign policy, in many cases resulting from doing what seemed to work in the previous 10 years even if the setting was materially different or conditions had changed. One big problem is that all the people who succeed in the recent past become the ones in charge going forward, and they think they have it all figured out based on what they did before. It’s all quite natural, but can result in some really bad decisions if you don’t constantly challenge your core beliefs.

Availability bias is closely related to recency bias and vividness bias. You’re at least 15-20 times more likely to be hit by lightning in the United States than to be bitten by shark. But often people don’t realize this because shark attacks tend to be much more vivid in people’s minds. Similarly, your odds of dying in a car accident are 1 in 5,000, while your odds of dying in a plane crash are 1 in 11 million. Nonetheless, many people view flying as more dangerous.

John Dorfman on investors overreacting to recent news:

Investors overreact to the latest news, which has always been the case, but I think it’s especially true today with the Internet. Information spreads so quickly that decisions get made without particularly deep knowledge about the companies involved. People also overemphasize dramatic events, often without checking the facts.



A green sticky note with the words " good things take time ".
(Illustration by Marek)

Because so many investors worry and think about the shorter term, value investors continue to gain a large advantage by focusing on the longer term (especially three to five years). In a year or less, a given stock can do almost anything. But over a five-year period, a stock tracks intrinsic business value to a large extent. Jeffrey Ubben:

It’s still true that the biggest players in the public markets–particularly mutual funds and hedge funds–are not good at taking short-term pain for long-term gain. The money’s very quick to move if performance falls off over short periods of time. We don’t worry about headline risk–once we believe in an asset, we’re buying more on any dips because we’re focused on the end game three or four years out.

Mario Cibelli:

One of the last great arbitrages left is to be long-term-oriented when there is a large class of shareholders who have no tolerance for short-term setbacks. So it’s interesting when stocks get beaten-up because a company misses earnings or the market reacts to a short-term business development. It’s crazy to me when someone says something is cheap but doesn’t buy it because they think it won’t go anywhere for the next 6 to 12 months. We have a pretty high tolerance for taking that pain if we see glory longer term.

Whitney Tilson wrote about a great story that value investor Bill Miller told. Miller recalled that, early in his career, he was visiting an institutional money manager, to whom he was pitching R.J. Reynolds, then trading at four times earnings. Miller:

“When I finished, the chief investment officer said: ‘That’s a really compelling case but we can’t own that. You didn’t tell me why it’s going to outperform the market in the next nine months.’ I said I didn’t know if it was going to do that or not but that there was a very high probability it would do well over the next three to five years.

“He said: ‘How long have you been in this business? There’s a lot of performance pressure, and performing three to five years down the road doesn’t cut it. You won’t be in business then. Clients expect you to perform right now.’

“So I said: ‘Let me ask you, how’s your performance?’

“He said: ‘It’s terrible, that’s why we’re under a lot of performance pressure.’

“I said: ‘If you bought stocks like this three years ago, your performance would be good right now and you’d be buying RJR to help your performance over the next three years.'”


Many investors are so focused on shorter periods of time (a year or less). They forget that the value of any business is ALL of its (discounted) future free cash flow, which often means 10-20 years or more. David Herro:

I would assert the biggest reason quality companies sell at discounts to intrinsic value is time horizon. Without short-term visibility, most investors don’t have the conviction or courage to hold a stock that’s facing some sort of challenge, either internally or externally generated. It seems kind of ridiculous, but what most people in the market miss is that intrinsic value is the sum of ALLfuture cash flows discounted back to the present. It’s not just the next six months’ earnings or the next year’s earnings. To truly invest for the long term, you have to be able to withstand underperformance in the short term, and the fact of the matter is that most people can’t.

As Mason Hawkins observes, a company may be lagging now precisely because it’s making longer-term investments that will probably increase business value in the future:

Classic opportunities for us get back to time horizon. A company reports a bad quarter, which disappoints Wall Street with its 90-day focus, but that might be for explainable temporary reasons or even because the company is making very positive long-term investments in the business. Many times that investment increases the likely value of the company five years from now, but disappoints people who want the stock up tomorrow.

Whitney George:

We evaluate businesses over a full business cycle and probably our biggest advantage is an ability to buy things when most people can’t because the short-term outlook is lousy or very hard to judge. It’s a good deal easier to know what’s likely to happen than to know precisely when it’s going to happen.

In general, humans are impatient and often discount multi-year investment gains far too much. John Maynard Keynes:

Human nature desires quick results, there is a particular zest in making money quickly, andremoter gainsare discounted by the average man at a very high rate.



A word cloud of words related to technology.

(Word cloud by Arloofs)

Automating of the investment process, including screening, is often more straightforward now than it has been, thanks to enormous advances in computing in the past two decades.

Will Browne:

We often start with screens on all aspects of valuation. There are characteristics that have been proven over long periods to be associated with above-average rates of return: low P/Es, discounts to book value, low debt/equity ratios, stocks with recent significant price declines, companies with patterns of insider buying and–something we’re paying a lot more attention to–stocks with high dividend yields.

Stephen Goddard:

Our basic screening process weights three factors equally: return on tangible capital, the multiple of EBIT to enterprise value, and free cash flow yield. We rank the universe we’ve defined on each factor individually from most attractive to least, and then combine the rankings and focus on the top 10%.

Carlo Cannell:

[We] basically spend our time trying to uncover the assorted investment misfits in the market’s underbrush that are largely neglected by the investment community. One of the key metrics we assign to our companies is an analyst ratio, which is simply the number of analysts who follow the company. The lower the better–as of the end of last year, about 65 percent of the companies in our portfolio had virtually no analyst coverage.

For some time now, it has been clear that simple quant models outperform experts in a wide variety of areas:

Quantitative value investor James O’Shaughnessy:

Models beat human forecasters because they reliably and consistently apply the same criteria time after time. Models never vary. They are never moody, never fight with their spouse, are never hung over from a night on the town, and never get bored. They don’t favor vivid, interesting stories over reams of statistical data. They never take anything personally. They don’t have egos. They’re not out to prove anything. If they were people, they’d be the death of any party.

People on the other hand, are far more interesting. It’s far more natural to react emotionally or to personalize a problem than it is to dispassionately review broad statistical occurrences–and so much more fun! It’s much more natural for us to look at the limited set of our personal experiences and then generalize from this small sample to create a rule-of-thumb heuristic. We are a bundle of inconsistencies, and although this tends to make us interesting, it plays havoc with our ability to successfully invest.

Buffett maintains (correctly) that the vast majority of investors, large or small, should invest in low-cost broad market index funds:

If you invest in a quantitative value fund focused on cheap micro caps with improving fundamentals, then you can reasonably expect to do about 7% (+/- 3%) better than the S&P 500 Index over time:

Will Browne:

When you have a model you believe in, that you’ve used for a long time and which is more empirical than intuitive, sticking with it takes the emotion away when markets are good or bad. That’s been a central element of our success. It’s the emotional dimension that drives people to make lousy, irrational decisions.



An equal weighted group of micro caps generally far outperforms an equal weighted (or cap-weighted) group of larger stocks over time. See the historical chart here:

This outperformance increases significantly by focusing on cheap micro caps. Performance can be further boosted by isolating cheap microcap companies that show improving fundamentals. We rank microcap stocks based on these and similar criteria.

There are roughly 10-20 positions in the portfolio. The size of each position is determined by its rank. Typically the largest position is 15-20% (at cost), while the average position is 8-10% (at cost). Positions are held for 3 to 5 years unless a stock approachesintrinsic value sooner or an error has been discovered.

The mission of the Boole Fund is to outperform the S&P 500 Index by at least 5% per year (net of fees) over 5-year periods. We also aim to outpace the Russell Microcap Index by at least 2% per year (net). The Boole Fund has low fees.


If you are interested in finding out more, please e-mail me or leave a comment.

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Disclosures: Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. All investments contain risk and may lose value. This material is distributed for informational purposes only. Forecasts, estimates, and certain information contained herein should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.No part of this article may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Boole Capital, LLC.